15 September 2024


One thing you can honestly say about Norfolk is that if your naturalist there's always something to see,I love the county!I was out this morning for a short walk and saw an assortment of Insects and Birds in the early morning sun.

Common Blue


Large White

Brown Argus

Common Darter

Small Copper

Common Field Grasshopper

Red Admiral's are in good numbers this autumn in Norfolk


Red Kite

Common Buzzard

12 September 2024


I went out this morning for a local walk over some farmland near where I was staying with friends and as I proceeded to walk the heavens opened so I took cover,hoping it would stop raining.I stood under a nearby tree and took shelter.I was in for the long haul so I opened a canned drink and rolled a cigarette and put the can down on a wooden post next to me.As I looked down a Damselfly had flown in on the wooden post,I couldn't believe my eyes,it was a male Southern Emerald Damselfly.I quickly grabbed my phone and managed to get some photographs and a video of it.

Southern Emerald Damselfly
Note the black and white pterostigma, nice bronzy bits on the thorax and the way the wings are spread out.It is known in some places as the Migrant Spreadwing.

I couldn't believe what I was watching a real rarity,right slap bang in middle of Norfolk.
Southern Emerald Damselfly can be distinguish by its two-toned pterostigma (wing spots),Broad pale antehumeral stripes on the back of the thorax and has no blue colouration.''L. barbarus'' is a southern European species with a rapidly expanding range. It is found across southern Europe in a band across Spain, France, Italy and Greece to India and Mongolia. It is less common in northern Europe. It breeds in the Netherlands in coastal dunes and is increasing in number. It is at the edge of its range in the Channel Islands, where it has been breeding since 1995. It is also found in North Africa; it gets its Latin name as the first specimen was found in Barbary, North Africa. 
This species was first recorded in Britain at Winterton Dunes, Norfolk, on 30 July 2002.Looking around after the rain had stopped there was a small reedbed next to where I was stood and a stream flowing through the field so hopefully there could be more or was this the only one.I didnt have time to stop and look as the rain was now getting heavier and my friend came to pick me up but hopefully I will revisit the area again at the end of the week.

8 September 2024


Travelling up to Norfolk on Sunday I called in at Wells Wood where an Icterine Warbler had been reported.Having parked the car up I made my way to the area and bumped into James Hanlon who had seen the bird and pointed me in the right direction.

Well's Wood

It didnt take long before the bird showed foraging around in the trees with a Long Tailed Tit flock.I hadn't connected with an Icterine Warbler since 2022 on Shetland so it was nice to see and it showed very well in the Norfolk afternoon sun.

(C) J Hanlon
Icterine Warbler

I had one good sighting of the bird and then it became really elusive probably due to the weather becoming very overcast.Other birds of note in the same area were a Wood Warbler and 2 Spotted Flycatcher's

Wood Warbler

Spotted Flycatcher

A great afternoons birding and at last autumn is upon us!

3 September 2024


Having only seen four Purple Heron's in Britain and being close to the site I called in today and was lucky the bird was on show as soon as I arrived. 

This is a bird that is well over due in Cheshire and Wirral even though we have had four records in twenty years none of them have been twitchable and have flown off,so this was a nice bird to catch up with and it showed really well.