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After much persuasion from a few Cheshire birders, I decided to join in with the 15-mile radius this year. This was my radius, below which I must admit I was really happy with. Below is my diary for the year of species recorded.

4th Jan 

I started off this morning at Denhall quay and soon connected with a Short eared owl, they have been showing well over the last few weeks with up 7 birds out on the marsh.

A male Hen harrier and a Marsh Harrier were also seen. Walking along to Neston marsh 2 Water pipits were in the gully.

I then moved on to Burton marsh and walked along to Burton point where the Little owl was sat out in its favoured tree.

Burton RSPB was the next stop where a ringtail Hen harrier showed really well. Other birds of note were Pintail, Golden plover, Black tailed godwit and a Water rail.

5th Jan

I started off this morning at Frodsham marshes and it didn't take long to find the Whooper swan herd,4 Bewick's swan (2 Juvenile's) were also in with them, a scarce bird now in Cheshire and Wirral. There were also good numbers of Pink footed geese in the next field.

Moving onto Lower Withington I connected with 2 Egyptian Geese as I turned the car into Lapwing lane.

Acre nook sand quarry produced a Great White egret and a Black necked grebe. Ten+Tree sparrows were in the hawthorn bushes near Foden Bank barn,another scarce bird in Cheshire and Wirral that seem to be doing well in this area.

Lapwing Hall pool produced 2 Redhead Smew and good numbers of wildfowl.

Good numbers of Redpoll and Sisken were seen in the Alders around the pool 

Moving on to Northwich I met up with Malc Curtin and headed for Budworth Mere.

We arrived just after 16.00pm and didn't have to wait long before the elusive Bittern put in an appearance.

Always the highlight of the new year list and the bird showed really well to the small crowd.

6th Jan

I spent the morning again in East Cheshire in blizzard conditions at an undisclosed site and got cracking views of Long Eared owl. Only one bird showed after an extensive search but nice to no the birds are still present in the area.

Moving on from here 2 Marsh tits were seen in the Bickerton area along with a good selection of woodland birds.

Last stop before I went home was Ince marshes where 2 Western Cattle egrets were seen along with 6 Little egrets.

A Barn owl put in a brief appearance as I walked around Goldfinch meadows reserve as the light was fading and up to 4 Common snipe were seen along with good numbers of Eurasian Teal and 4 Shoveler

Jan 7th

I spent this morning around the area of Thornton hough on the Wirral and saw some decent birds.The stubble fields around the area held good numbers of Pink footed geese and Red legged partridge.

I managed to find the stubble field,thanks Dave haigh for the jen! where the Brambling(4) have been in a mixed finch flock.

Moving on from here I called in at Hoylake and connected with the male Snow bunting that is around the life boat station.

A quick dash after this to New Brighton where 7 Purple sandpipers were showing well on the pontoon.

A good mornings birding and home before the hail storm!

Jan 8th

A Great Northern diver had been found down the road yesterday afternoon at Shotwick boating lake but there was negative news this morning.Forward to 15.30pm and I was looking through my twitter account and the bird had turned up again.I got in the car and arrived just after 16.00pm and soon found the adult bird.

A Long tailed duck was also present but too distant for any photos.

Jan 9th

Well this 15 mile radius does get you out!I started early this morning at Gresford flash in Clwyd and connected with this smart Juvenile Red throated diver.Other birds of note were 8 Goosander and a Dipper was seen further down the road at Rossett.

Moving on back into Cheshire I visited Moore nature reserve where 2 Willow Tit were seen at the feeding station.

From here I moved on to Hale and thanks to Dave craven-Hale's finest! for the jen on the Firecrest which didn't take long to relocate in Hale park,this little jem was very vocal and good addition to the list.A Water pipit was seen briefly at Carr lane pools but was very flighty.

Further down the road I visited Pickerings pasture.A Common sandpiper showed well and a Peregrine was sat out on Runcorn bridge.No Gulls of interest were on Halebank which was a disappointment 

On the way home I called in at Runcorn town hall and had 6 Ring necked parakeets coming in to the roost. 

Jan 11th

I spent this morning at Arrowe park and it didnt take long to find the resident Mandarin ducks,4 were seen.A good selection of woodland birds were also recorded in the park.

I then drove to Burton RSPB and spent a few good hours on the reserve.

The reserve was quiet today but it did produce a Spotted Redshank,Cetti's warbler and an elusive Woodcock.

A walk to Burton point produced 2 Great White egrets out on the marsh.Moving on to Denhall quay I connected with 3 Short eared owls and it was nice to see fellow birders not out on the marsh disturbing the Owls and other species.

As the day was coming to an end I headed to Parkgate and had a great few hours birding.A male Hen Harrier showed really well and at least 7 Marsh Harriers put in a fine performance.

I waited till 16.45 looking over Neston reedbed,a Merlin was seen sat out on a post and then the bird I wanted came in to roost,a Bittern.The bird flew right past me and showed well as we watched it fly into Neston reedbed.

12th Jan

I spent this afternoon walking along the salt marsh from Flint castle to Connah's quay and eventually found 18 Twite on the marsh.

Other birds of note were good numbers of Shelduck,Teal and Black Tailed godwit.

The Starling murmuration finished off a perfect afternoon over the Dee estuary 

13th Jan

I walked out to the tides edge at Hoylake this afternoon and was rewarded with a stunning male Eider and hundreds of Common Scoter.

On the way back the long staying Snow Bunting was still showing well on the rocks near Hoylake life guard station.

14th Jan

I met up with a Mark payne,Fred fearne and Malc Curtin this afternoon and did some birding around Hale.We started off at Halebank and had a look through the masses of gulls but nothing of note was seen only a Peregrine perched up on the bridge briefly.Moving on to Hale park the Firecrest was heard again in the over hanging canopy but wasent seen and then departed after a good hours search.

A visit to Carr lane produced 7 Grey Partridge and a stunning male Merlin sat out in a field.

No Water pipit could be found on the pools and nothing of note was seen at Pickerings pastures on the way home.A quiet afternoons birding but nice to catch up with the lads.

16th Jan

News broke this morning that two Russian White Fronted Geese were with a mixed goose flock in a field west of M56 viewed from Thornton Green Lane,Wimbolds Trafford.I made my way there and it didn't take long to relocate the geese in with Pink footed geese.

After good views of the two geese I moved on to Delamere forest to have a look for some Common Crossbills.No birds were seen after a good few hours searching but a Treecreeper showed well and 7 Goosander were on Blakemere Moss.

17th Jan

I spent this afternoon around Eddisbury hill looking for Tree sparrow and it didn't take long to locate 2 birds which showed well in the end.

A Green Woodpecker was also showing well in the same area calling.

Late afternoon was spent in Delamere forest again where I had two Common Crossbill and then at least another 10 birds flew over,but they couldn't be relocated in fading light.

Saturday 29th January

I spent this morning walking along the river Dee at Eccleston but had no joy looking for the Lesser spotted woodpecker's.It looks a cracking site that I will visit in the spring and hopefully get to see them.

Sunday 30th January

This morning's birding was spent at Broughton in Chester looking for a female Black redstart which was found last week but after a good couple of hours searching there was no sign.
News then broke that a Snow goose had been found at Burton RSPB.The bird was still present on arrival but was distant so I made my way up to the top road where the Snow goose flew right in front of the car with a skein of Pink footed geese.

After this I visited Stanney woods in Ellesmere Port and spent the last hours of light looking for Lesser Spotted woodpecker but no joy! 

1st Feb

This morning me a Dianne walked over to Hilbre Island.

Good numbers of birds were seen on the way over:
Common Gull 
Black Headed Gull
Lesser Backed Gull
Great Black backed Gull
Ringed Plover
Bar Tailed Godwit

On arrival on the island 12 Purple Sandpiper were sheltering from the wind by the sea hide.

We continued to do a seawatch where 2 Red Throated Diver,10 Razorbill and 500+ Common Scoter were seen.Walking back towards the bird observatory 2 Redwings were recorded.
After the walk back we stopped at Thurstaston to see what waders were about.

We recorded good numbers of Pintail,Knot,Sanderling,Dunlin and 2 Greenshank on the estuary. 

Late evening was spent in Rivacre valley in Ellesmere port where a Tawny owl was heard around the golf course.

2nd feb

I met up with Malc curtin this morning and we headed to Pickerings pasture for high tide.

It wasent that long before Malc picked up a Little stint with the Dunlin flock,we managed to get on the bird a few times as the tide flooded the field.
Other birds of note were Grey heron,Redshank,Oystercatcher,Shelduck and Canada Goose.On the way back to the car an injured Pink Footed goose flew low past us.

Moving on from here we pulled in at Carr Lane in Hale and found a single Grey partridge in a field along with a male and female Stonechat.A female Merlin put in a brief appearance flying low behind the pools and a Snipe was flushed from the side of the road.

Carr lane pools held good numbers of Teal and 12 Black tailed godwits.A walk down to Hale lighthouse was unproductive with the neighbouring fields holding good numbers of Curlew.

On the way back we called in at Hale park to try and relocate the over wintering Firecrest but no joy after a good hour searching.

Leaving Hale we called in at WSR recycling in Widnes where we found an Adult Yellow Legged gull amongst the hundreds of gulls.

A great days birding and two more quality birds to the list.

Feb 9th

I spent this morning walking around the fields between Halewood and Hough green.Good numbers of farmland birds were seen including 2 Corn Bunting,12 Grey Partridge and 10+ Yellowhammer.

A good mornings birding and great to see 2 Corn buntings which showed briefly on the wires and then in a hedgerow.Moving on from here and back over the Mersey I managed to find the gulls feeding around Mollington near Chester, a 2nd winter Mediterranean Gull was soon picked up out of the Black headed gulls.

Feb 6th

I visited Burton RSPB this afternoon and saw 2 Avocets on the main scape.

Feb 18th

After storm Dudley and storm Eunice another storm was on its way, storm Franklin.Eunice had already claimed the lives of 3 people and left 1.4 million people without power and this storm was meant to be even worse.I visited New Brighton and witnessed the storm for myself even though it wasn't as bad as forecasted.A Kittiwake was the only bird I managed throughout the storm.

Calm before the storm

On the 21st I connected with a Little gull in the mouth of the Mersey and then the next day the 22nd I had four Ruddy Shelduck on Burton Marsh and a Western Cattle Egret at Puddington

On the 27th I drove over to Crosby marina and managed to scope though the fence at Seaforth and connected with a female Scaup that was with some Pochard

5th March

I visited Queens dock this morning in Liverpool and connected with the Shags that have been hanging around on the quay sides,great birds and well found by Pete Brash

20th March

An early morning trip into North wales with Mark Payne and just on the edge of my radius we arrived at Moel Famau and parked up in a layby overlooking the mountain and surrounding area.It didn't take long before we were rewarded with cracking views of a male and a female Goshawk, a Chiffchaff put in a brief performance close to the car and then Mark picked up a stonking male Hen Harrier over the fields in front of us.

The afternoon was spent at Burton RSPB watching my first spring Garganey,a male and a female,the female Long tailed duck also showed well on Border pool.

21st March

After several attempts for Lesser Spotted Woodpecker I eventually scored this morning with a another dawn raid and connected with a female bird.I picked the bird up on call and it showed briefly perched up before flying off.This bird has been seen a few times over the last few weeks but there is still no sign of a male yet. 

The afternoon was spent in my garden in Little Sutton when to my surprise a Ring necked parakeet flew over calling heading west.

March 27th

This morning I visited Frodsham Marshes but it was very quiet, migration wise.Cetti's warblers were vocal in the reedbeds and there were plenty of Raven's clonking overhead.

Raven's were in good numbers

N06 tank held 4 Ruff and good numbers of wildfowl and there were plenty of small tortoiseshell bufferflies on the embankments basking in the morning sun

N06 Tank

Moving on from Frodsham I headed across the Mersey and called in at Carr lane pools at Hale and connected with my first Little ringed plover of the year.

I then received a phone call off Mark payne saying that a White stork had been seen flying over Queensferry heading towards Connah's quay.We decided to give it ago and try and relocate the bird.We stopped off at Oakenholt marshes first and looked across to Connah's quay where we had good views of the 1st winter Little gull.

On the way back to the car a Peacock butterfly was on the coastal path.

We spent the next few hours searching nearby fields but there was no sign,we did find a second summer Mediterranean gull in a field near Harwarden.

March 28th

I spent this morning around Leasowe lighthouse and surrounding area and connected with my first Wheatear of the year,two male birds were seen.

28th March

News came out this morning that a female Ring Necked duck had been found at Acre nook sand quarry so a quick detour on my way to me mam's in Holmes chapel and the bird was on.Not in my radius but nice to see and a great find by the observer.A male has turned up now with the female on the 14th of April

April 9th

A quick detour whilst out shopping and a Whimbrel was seen on the Wallasey coastline,probably the over wintering bird from Seaforth.

April 10th

News came out first thing that 2 male Ring ouzels were at Hoylake langfields.On arrival the two birds showed really well in a ploughed field.

After cracking views of these birds,I spent a few hours at Leasowe where I saw my first Sand martin of the year.

April 11th

This morning Graham Connolly had found a male Pied flycatcher by the road side in Moreton.

I arrived on site but there was no further sign of the bird.Then I rang Jane turner as she thought she mightn't have an Iberian Chiffchaff in her garden.Jane had already caught the bird and done all the recordings but the bird was in a bad way so she had released it.The bird had no fat on it what so ever so after a good feed in Janes garden the bird had turned up again,happily feeding around her conservatory.I soon got on the bird on arrival and it looked  pretty good for Iberian after belting views.Poo sample gathered and sound recordings have gone off so we will wait and see on this one!Fingers crossed.

April 12th

I spent the morning at Hale looking for migrant birds this morning and connected with my first Willow warbler and Swallow of the year at Pickerings pasture.A Water pipit put in a brief but showy appearance and 2 Barnacle geese and a Greenshank were on Hale marsh.3 Little Ringed plovers,2 Avocet and a Common sandpiper were on Carr lane pools and a fly over House martin headed towards the Mersey.

2 Barnacle geese were on Hale marsh

The evening was spent at Leasowe where I saw my first male Redstart of the year and another two Ring ouzels

April 14th

Spent the morning at Coastguards for high tide in Wallasey.I connected with 37 Sandwich terns and had 2 Swallow flying overhead.

First Sandwich terns of the year

After high tide I headed for Leasowe where I saw my first Reed warbler of the year and 2 sedge warbler.Good numbers of Blackcap,Willow warbler and Chiffchaff were about along with a male Ring Ouzel from yesterday.

Up to 14 Blackcaps were seen throughout the area

There back!2 sedge warblers were back in the small pond along with a Water Rail calling

Moving on from Leasowe I called in at Hoylake where 73 White wagtail had been reported from Red rocks to Kings gap,it didn't take long to relocate the birds.

White Wagtail

A visit to Red rocks after this produced my first Grasshopper warbler of the year and a Whitethroat in full song.Another Reed warbler was calling and a male Sparrowhawk flew over low towards the golf course


Red Rocks Nature Reserve

After leaving here it came out on the Wirral's Whats app group that an Osprey had flown over Leasowe and was heading for Hoylake.I drove towards Kings gap and looked to the skies.News then came out the bird had landed at Dove point on the beach and was eating a fish.I met Chris williams on arrival who put me straight on the bird!What a bird,I had been looking up at the skies for the last two weeks and here was one sat out in the afternoon sun.

The view I got of the Osprey on arrival

Over the next hour the bird just sat on the beach eating a fish.

Walking further down the beach the Osprey eventually took off after being attacked by Herring Gulls and flew straight over us and headed south towards the fields.

The Osprey looked injured on flight flews with damage to its outer primary feathers,the bird was refound sat in some willows off Park lane which wasn't that far away and  unbelievably stayed there until sunset and roosted.

A fantastic days birding on the North wirral coast and some quality birds added to the list!

18th April

An afternoon walk with Dianne to Burton point and I refound 2 male Whinchat that Graham hogan had found this morning.

21st April

I spent early evening at Delamere forest where I connected with my first Pied flycatcher of the year which eventually showed well.

22nd April

A walk around Leasowe this afternoon produced a Tree pipit and Lesser Whitethroat that showed well after being really elusive

23rd April

A short drive from home to Willaston and I connected with my first Yellow Wagtail of the year and 2 Mediterranean Gulls.

April 24th

A quick phone call to Frank duff this morning regarding a Black redstart that had been found at Frodsham marshes and I was off it was still there.On arrival at Marsh farm I soon connected with this stunning bird,I couldn't believe no one was there but it was good to have the bird all to myself,absolute cracking bird!

April 26th

I spent this morning looking for a Wood sandpiper that had been found at Burton RSPB last night but after a good two hours I gave up and made my way across to Hilbre Island where Steve Williams had rung a Richard's Pipit earlier on,it was a long shot but what the hell.

On arrival the bird had gone after a good search of the islands with steve.I revisited Burton Rspb again on the way home but there was no sign of the Wood sandpiper.

A Little egret showed well from Marsh covert hide and 9 Spotted redshank were recorded

These helped me along the footpath on the way back to the car

The evening was spent with Mark payne on the cycle track at Burton point.A Cetti's warbler showed well and a Little owl put in a brief appearance.The Wood sandpiper was eventually found by mark with 2 Redshank after giving me the run around allday.

28th April 

I received a phone call from Allan conlin this morning to say that he had found a female Bluethroat at Leasowe.This was Cheshire and Wirrals 17th record and the last one I had seen was in the same location 12 years ago found by the late Kenny Dunningham on the 25th May 2010.
On arrival I met up with a few familiar faces and waited,the Bluethroat eventually showed on a fence post giving great views.

April 30th

I spent this afternoon at Hatchmere near Delamere forest where a male Wood warbler had been found this morning.The bird showed intermittently and called but was always hard to see in the over hanging tree foliage.A great bird for the yearlist! 

May 10th

I visited Hale today and connected with a Hobby,5 Yellow wagtail's and a Channel wagtail which showed really well

Yellow Wagtail

May 11th

This was my third attempt to see this Eurasian Spoonbill after giving me the run around at Burton RSPB,eventually I caught up with it on Parkgate marsh this evening.

May 15th

A quick dash to Burton RSPB and this little beauty was showing well in the carpark.

Continuing up the North wirral coast after this I made high tide and saw good numbers of Sandwich Terns and Gannets.

16th July

At last!I got a new bird for the year list,a Quail was singing at Old baths carpark,Parkgate and then on the 17th a Pectoral sandpiper was found at Frodsham Marshes.I got good views of the bird eventually though distant in with the Redshank flock.

It was nice to catch up with some Cheshire regulars!

6th Aug

I spent this morning at Seaforth nature reserve and was rewarded with cracking views of Black tern.

Moving on from here I called in at Hale and found a Red Kite flying around the duck decoy, a good mornings birding but gutted I was working yesterday and missed a White winged tern at Burton RSPB.

Aug 17th

Late afternoon a Juvenile Spotted crake was found at Burton RSPB.The bird eventually showed well on arrival and was a good addition to the year list

20th Aug

I visited Hilbre Island and stayed over the high tide with Pete sutton and Allan Conlin.

A moderate north westerly was enough to bring in some autumn sea birds in view from the islands today.Noteworthy were 3 Manx Shearwaters and 3 Arctic Skuas,also 6 Gannets, Kittiwake,4 Great Crested Grebes and a Red-breasted Merganser.Six Little Terns and a couple of Common Terns were among the estimated 300 Sandwich Terns.Fifty two Turnstone (including summer plumaged individuals),6 Whimbrel and 9 Sanderling were the best of the waders.A great day out birding and saw some birds for the list at last!

2nd Sept

An afternoon drive over to Seaforth and I connected with an American golden plover that showed well.

Sept 3rd

A drive to Burton RSPB produced another Pectoral sandpiper,7 Curlew sandpiper and a Spotted flycatcher

Sept 26th

A morning visit to Wallasey promenade produced a Leach's petrel but I missed a passing Great skua and a Grey phalarope which would have been good additions to the list

Oct 17th

News came out over the weekend that a Slavonian grebe had been found on Cop hole on Burton marsh so I visited today and got good views of the bird.

Oct 21st

A quick car journey to Burton RSPB produced a Long Billed dowitcher which showed really well

Oct 22nd

I visited Meols this afternoon and managed to get good views of a Yellow browed warbler which I thought I wouldn't see this year after missing the bird at Burton RSPB in early October

Nov 4th

I drove up to Leasowe today and got cracking views of a Siberian chiffchaff that was found yesterday around the duck pond.

A total of 202 species were recorded throughout the year.Tryed several times for Glossy Ibis and Caspian gull but to no avail.Biggest disappointment was being at work and missing 2 Pallid swifts at Hoylake. Just out of my radius I also missed White tailed lapwing and Penduline tit which were cracking birds for Cheshire and Wirral, bloody work! Oh well there'll be another!