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I was up in Dumfries and Galloway today working when Dan pointon rang me and said that the Brown Booby had been seen again in St Ives,Cornwall,apparently photos of the Brown Booby had been taken and put on social media feeding just off the beach,just a couple of hundred yards from where it was the previous day.
I eventually finished what I was doing and I headed south back to lymm services in Warrington,dan was an hour and half behind me coming even further,Carnoustie in Angus!I soon arrived at the services and grabbed us both a mcdonald's and a coffee and we were soon on are way south.


I'll cut the story short,a week last sunday a photo appeared,taken in Kent of what appeared to be a Brown Booby flying along the Kent coastline some 6 days previous.This seemed unlikely,as there has never been one in this country before and Brown Booby is a tropical species.Having said that,the photo looked quite good,despite being a bit blurry,but a gannet could not be ruled out.Then intriguingly last monday a possible Brown Booby was reported fishing off a beach in cornwall,seen by a good birder but without binoculars as he was at the beach for the day with his family.Furthermore,there were mysterious unconfirmed reports of two further sightings at the same beach earlier in the day.This still wasn't enough to have us heading all the way down to cornwall on a blind goose chase.There was no sign of the bird for the rest of the day

We arrived on site around 18.30pm,but the bird hadn't been seen all afternoon.We waited until dusk but there was still no sign of the bird.WE'LL BE BACK!


We eventually found our youth hostel near Helston and headed out for a curry with John Pegden,little did we no it would be the worst curry we had ever had!
We got up around 5.00am in the morning and headed back to St Ives and stood at the coastguard station waiting for the sun to rise.


Good numbers of Manx Shearwater were streaming past the coastguards along with a single Sooty Shearwater.Just after 8.00am Dan got on the Booby fishing off Godrevy Sands.I got on the bird but it was distant I watched the Booby for maybe 5 minutes from the coastguards giving a good opportunity to study plumage,flight and fishing behaviour.A very nice comparison at one point flying alongside a juvenile Gannet.After seeing the bird me and Dan ran back down to the car and drove over to where we had seen the Booby but as we were driving we heard the bird had headed east due to the deterioration in the weather.
We spent the next 13 hours looking for the bird,NO SIGN!


I couldn't stay another night due to work the next morning so I headed back with Chris Batty and left dan to try again in the morning,I was happy I had seen the bird but would have liked closer views of this first for Britain.
Anyway the next morning the bird showed again for a good hour in the same place we had seen it yesterday.BUGGER!
After a blank day on the friday,the bird went on to show very well again in St Ives Bay from mid-morning on saturday 31st, even spending almost an hour on rocks just offshore at St Ives itself around midday, where it was well photographed. 


It then flew past Pendeen not long after that and,to the doom and gloom of the Sunday twitchers' brigade and wasn't seen again that day or early on Monday morning.
At that point it seemed like the trail had gone cold once more,but then,at 10.40 am on monday,a Brown Booby was located on rocks at Kynance Cove,on the Lizard Peninsula.It soon became apparent that they were differences in the plumage and,sensationally,it was confirmed as yet another new bird–this time a younger individual with extremely tatty flight feathers. 
The bird seemed to like a certain rock where it sat for the next two days so on the Wednesday I headed back down to Cornwall and got great views of the bird flying past the headland.If anyone wanted to see a Brown Booby in Britain,this was the golden opportunity as it was so easy to see.





26th August 2019
Woolston Eyes
2 Spotted Flycatcher-N03 bed

Burton RSPB
Kestrel Over Wet Grassland 
Marsh Harrier Over Wet Grassland 
Swallows Over Wet Grassland 
Ruff x2 (M) Main Scrape
Green Sandpiper x1 Main Scrape
Snipe 30+ Main Scrape
House Martins Over Main Scrape
Buzzard Marsh Covert Wood
Blackcap By Railway Bridge
Whitethroat By Railway Bridge
Raven Burton Point
Great Egret x1 Burton Marsh From Point
Cetti's Warbler Near Wooden Bridge To IMF
Chiffchaff Along Path To IMF
Snipe x4 IMF
Whinchat Fence Post Burton Point
Green Sandpiper x2 IMF
Wigeon x3 IMF
Water Rail Reedbed Screen

Leasowe Lighthouse
35 Sandwich Tern,8 Common Tern,Greenshank,12 Bar-tailed Godwit,30 Swift,76 Swallow and 22 House Martin

Gilroy Nature Park-West Kirby
Juvenile Cuckoo

West Kirby Marine Lake
30+ Turnstone

Neston Marsh
Great Egret and a Peregrine Falcon

Burton Point
Little Owl-2 Juvenile

Frodsham Marshes
Black Necked Grebe-N06 Tank

Ruddy Shelduck and Ringtail Hen Harrier

Poynton Pool
Tree Pipit

Sandbach Flashes
2 Garganey,12 Snipe and a Green Sandpiper-Elton Hall Flash

25th August 2019
Hilbre Island
Spotted Flycatcher,Whinchat,12 Willow Warbler,Chiffchaff,Whitethroat,Sparrowhawk and 3 Reed Bunting

Ringtail Hen Harrier,Ruff,2 Snipe and Juvenile Whinchat

Woolston Eyes
7 Green Sandpiper

Burton RSPB
Great Egrets x2 Burton Marsh From Point 
Raven x3 Burton Marsh From Point 
G B-b Gulls x2 Burton Marsh From Point 
Meadow Pipits x12 Burton Point
Snipe x4 IMF
Water Rail IMF
Swallows IMF
Peregrine Over Border Pool
Lesser Whitethroat Far End Of Boardwalk
Chiffchaff Along Boardwalk
Great Egret (Gary) Reedbed Screen
Buzzard Over Marsh Covert Wood
Green Sandpiper x1 Main Scrape
Avocets x4 Main Scrape
Snipe 55+ Main Scrape
Ruff x3 Main Scrape
Sparrowhawk Over Main Scrape
Yellow Wagtail Right Of Main Scrape

Marbury Country Park
Willow Tit-On weaver just past shooting range and beyond second wooden bridge 

Pickerings Pasture

Redstart-Female-In garden entrance

Poynton Pool

Burton Point
6 Whinchat

4 Arctic Skua,76 Great Crested Grebe,8 Red-breasted Merganser,6 Wheatear,c60 Common Scoter and 3 Yellow Wagtail 

Heswall Fields NT

93 Little Egret-Left the roost

Heswall Shore

640 Shelduck,93 Little Egret,15 Grey Heron,31 Ringed Plover,47 juv Knot,300 Dunlin,1800 Curlew,6000 Black-tailed Godwit,5200 Redshank a Snipe

24th August 2019

Sandbach Flashes
Spotted Flycatcher-Elton Hall Flash

Lostock Green

Hale-Within Way
Red Kite-Over

Woolston Eyes
Hobby,5 Green Sandpiper,Cettis Warbler and 2 Willow Tit-N03 bed

Ring Necked Parakeet

Frodsham Marshes
Black Necked Grebe and Garganey-N06 Tank

Tatton Park
Black necked Grebe-North end

Dunge Valley Gardens
Chough-Juvenile still to north-east in sheep field at nearby Windgather Rocks as viewed from stile at SJ994782

Woolston Eyes
Garganey-Female-N03 bed

Burton RSPB
Avocets x2 Main Scrape 
Snipe x17 Main Scrape 
Green Sandpiper x1 Main Scrape 
Buzzard Fence Post Right Wet Grassland
Kestrel Fence Post Right Wet Grassland
Swallows Over Reception Pool
Great Egret x1 Reedbed Screen
Blackcap x4 By Railway Bridge
Green Woodpecker Burton Point
Raven x6 Feeding Burton Marsh From Point
G B-b Gulls x2 As Above
Great Egrets x4 Burton Marsh From Point
Merlin On Post Burton Marsh From Point
Chiffchaff Along Path To IMF
Snipe x1 IMF 

Lesser Whitethroat Along Boardwalk
Garganey x2 IMF 

Parkgate-Boathouse Flash

7 Spoonbill,Water Rail and 24 Greenshank

New Brighton

Arctic skua

Hilbre Island


Lower Heswall

Hobby and a Yellow Wagtail


Arctic Skua

Burton Point

2 Whinchat,10 Wheatear,7 Yellow Wagtail,2 White Wagtail,Garden Warbler and 3 Little Owl

23rd August 2019

Dunge Valley Gardens
Chough-Juvenile still to north-east in sheep field at nearby Windgather Rocks as viewed from stile at SJ994782

Frodsham Marshes
Black Necked Grebe-N06 Tank

Burton RSPB
Great Egrets x2 Burton Marsh From Point 
Merlin Burton Marsh From Point 
Kestrel Burton Point 
Snipe x5 IMF
House Martins IMF
Chiffchaff Along Boardwalk
Raven Over Marsh Covert Wood
Green Woodpecker By Garden
Swifts x10 Over Reception Pool
Snipe x3 Main Scrape
Avocets x2 Main Scrape
Great Egret x1 Main Scrape
Green Sandpiper x1 Main Scrape
Buzzard Fence Left Main Scrape
Stock Doves x4 Left Of Main Scrape
Swallows Over Wet Grassland
Yellow Wagtail On Barn Near Feeders

2 Great Skua,2 Pomarine Skua (1 adult with spoons),14 Arctic Skua,Fulmar,120 Common Scoter,50 Gannet and a Manx Shearwater

Caldy Wildfowl Collection
6,140 Black-tailed Godwit (a site record)

Parkgate-Boathouse Flash
9 Spoonbill and 11 Greenshank

Burton Point
8 Wheatear and 4 Yellow Wagtail

Hilbre Island
Great Skua

Newton/Grange Hill-West Kirby
Mediterranean Gull with several hundred other gulls and 28 Swift

22nd August 2019
Burton RSPB
Great Egret x1 Main Scrape 
Barnacle Geese x5 Main Scrape 
Yellow Wagtail (Juvenile) Main Scrape 
Swallows Over Wet Grassland
Green Sandpiper x1 Reception Pool
Buzzards x2 Over Marsh Covert Wood
Raven Over Marsh Covert Wood
Bearded Tits (Heard) Marsh Covert Hide
Kestrel Over Birdcrop Field
House Martins Burton Point
Meadow Pipit On Wall Burton Point
Great Egrets x2 Burton Marsh From Point
Gadwall 150+ IMF
Water Rail IMF
Blackcap Near Wooden Bridge To IMF

Hilbre Island
Black Tern-On sandbank opposite observatory

Red Kite-Over Brookvale

Parkgate-Boathouse Flash
25 Greenshank

9 Arctic Skua,12 Manx Shearwater,c40 Gannet and c60 Common Scoter

Burton Point
Little Owl and a Kestrel

Dunge Valley Gardens
Chough-Juvenile still to north-east in sheep field at nearby Windgather Rocks as viewed from stile at SJ994782

Sandbach Flashes
2 Cattle Egret-Still at Elton Hall Flash on back field from viewpoint 

Doddington Pool
Black Necked Grebe

21st August 2019
Hobby over and Spotted flycatcher in the meadows 

Houghton Green Flash
Great White Egret-Flew low to north-west 

Dunge Valley Gardens
Chough-Juvenile still to north-east in sheep field at nearby Windgather Rocks as viewed from stile at SJ994782

Woolston Eyes
Garganey-Female-N03 bed

Frodsham Marshes
Black Necked Grebe-N06 Tank

Pickerings Pastare
Ruddy Shelduck,Egyptian Goose and Spotted Flycatcher in control meadow

Burton RSPB
Great Egret x1 Main Scrape 
Barnacle Geese x5 Main Scrape 
Yellow Wagtail (Juvenile) Main Scrape 
Swallows Over Wet Grassland
Green Sandpiper x1 Reception Pool
Buzzards x2 Over Marsh Covert Wood
Raven Over Marsh Covert Wood
Bearded Tits (Heard) Marsh Covert Hide
Kestrel Over Birdcrop Field
House Martins Burton Point
Meadow Pipit On Wall Burton Point
Great Egrets x2 Burton Marsh From Point
Gadwall 150+ IMF
Water Rail IMF
Blackcap Near Wooden Bridge To IMF

Heswall Shore
635 Shelduck,47 Little Egret,1100 Oystercatcher,38 Ringed Plover,Turnstone,1930 Curlew,4425 Redshank and a Juvenile Ruff 

Hoylake Langfields

10 Arctic Skua,15 Manx Shearwater,8 Kittiwake and 50 Common Scoter

3 Lesser Spotted Woodpecker (1 ad and 2 juvs) in garden

Meols-Dove Point

Red Rocks
3 Arctic Skua (landed on beach close to rocks) and a Peregrine Falcon (also landed on beach)

Burton Point
10 Great White Egret,Peregrine falcon(juv),3 Kestrel,Little Owl (juv showing well),Yellow Wagtail (heard only) and 5+ Wheatear

6 Spoonbill and 3 Great White Egret

Parkgate Marsh
Hen Harrier (ringtail) and 3 Great White Egret

20th August 2019
Burton RSPB
Buzzards x2 Right Of Wet Grassland 
Pintail (F) Main Scrape 
Great Egret x1 Main Scrape 
Green Sandpiper x1 Reception Pool
Swallows Over Reception Pool
Water Rail Marsh Covert Hide
Chiffchaff Along Boardwalk
Whitethroat By Railway Bridge
Blackcap x2 (M&F) By Railway Bridge
Snipe x1 IMF
Reed Warbler IMF
Stock Doves x2 IMF
House Martins Over Burton Point
Swifts x2 Over Burton Point
Great Egrets x2 Burton Marsh From Point
Treecreeper Near Reception
Nuthatch By Reception Feeder

Hilbre Island
Pomarine Skua which landed on East Hoyle Bank before flying out to sea and 4 Arctic Skua

2 Arctic Skua

Leasowe Lighthouse
Juv Kingfisher by River Birkett,White Wagtail,Lesser Whitethroat,Garden Warbler and 2 Willow Warbler 

Thurstaston Shore
7 Whimbrel and 4 Mediterranean Gull

19th August 2019
Burton RSPB
Ringed Plover x1 IMF 
Snipe x1 IMF 
Blackcap x2 By Railway Bridge 
Whitethroat x2 By Railway Bridge
Long - Tailed Tits x6 By Railway Bridge
Kestrel x3 Burton Point
House Martins Burton Point
Swallows Burton Point
Raven In Top Of Tree Burton Point
Great Egrets x4 Burton Marsh From Point
Green Woodpecker MC Wood Along Boardwalk
Little Grebe Left Side Marsh Covert Hide
Green Sandpiper Reception Pool
Avocets x2 Main Scrape
Stock Doves x3 Left Of Main Scrape
Buzzard Over Wet Grassland
Marsh Harrier (F) Over Wet Grassland
Lesser Whitethroat Along Boardwalk
Whinchat On Wall Right Of Birdcrop Field

Hilbre Island
Long-tailed Skua (sub-adult),18 Arctic Skua,45 Manx Shearwater,120 Gannet and 30 Kittiwake

Arctic Skua,7 Whimbrel,500 Ringed Plover and 4,000 Dunlin

Burton Marsh
7 Yellow Wagtail,3 Wheatear,Hobby and a Marsh Harrier


Frodsham Marshes
Black Necked Grebe-N06 Tank

2 Great White Egret

Ruddy Shelduck-Bottom of Within Way

18th August 2019
Burton RSPB
Avocets x2 Main Scrape 
Garganey?? Main Scrape 
Lesser-Black backed Gull Main Scrape 
Buzzard x2 Fence Posts Wet Grassland
Great Egret x1 Right Of Wet Grassland
Green Sandpiper x1 Reception Pool
Little Grebe x1 Bridge Pool
Blackcap x2 (M & F ) Railway Bridge
Kestrel By Railway Bridge
Swallows Burton Point
House Martins 60+ Burton Point
Chiffchaff By Wooden Bridge To IMF
Whitethroat Near Wooden Bridge To IMF
Greenshank x5 IMF

Red Rocks
3 Arctic Skua,10 Manx Shearwater and 20 Gannet over high tide

Sandbach Flashes

Hobby-Over Elton Hall Flash and Garganey-Hancock's Flood



Meols-Park Lane


Thurstaston Shore

4 Whimbrel and 500 Knot

Caldy Shore
Black Tern-Seen at high tide 

Frodsham Marshes

Black Necked Grebe and 2 Greenshank-N06 Tank

17th August 2019

Woolston Eyes
Hobby and 2 Green Sandpiper


Hen Harrier-Over Carr Lane
Ruddy Shelduck and Egyptian Goose-Bottom of Within Way

Hoylake Shore

100+ Manx Shearwater,11 Arctic Skua,5 Kittiwake,12 Gannet,6 Little Tern,27 Common Scoter and a Yellow-legged Gull

Burton RSPB

Great Egrets x2 Burton Marsh From Point 
Blackcap x2 By Railway Bridge 
Whitethroat By Railway Bridge 

Spotted Flycatcher By Railway Bridge
Reed Bunting (F)By Railway Bridge
Snipe x1 IMF
Greenshank x15 IMF
Little Egret With Fish IMF
Little Grebes x3 Bridge Pool
Buzzard x3 Over Marsh Covert Wood

Reed Warbler By Marsh Covert Hide
Kingfisher Burton Mere
Great Egret x1 Reedbed Screen
Green Sandpiper x1 Reception Pool
Sparrowhawk Over Reception Pool
Avocet x1 Main Scrape
Lesser Whitethroat By Railway Bridge

Frodsham Marshes

Garganey and Black necked Grebe-Juvenile-N06 Tank

Sandbach Flashes

Garganey-Hancock's Flood

Doddington Pool

Black Necked Grebe

16th August 2019
Sandbach Flashes
Garganey-Elton Hall Flash

6 Greenshank,6 Spoonbill,2 Marsh Harrier,Sparrowhawk and c1,000 Starling

Burton RSPB
Wood Sandpiper Main Scrape 
Snipe x16 Main Scrape 
Little Ringed Plover x1 Main Scrape 
Avocets x2 Main Scrape
Sparrowhawk Over Main Scrape
Buzzard x3 On Posts Around Wet Grassland
Kestrel Over Wet Grassland
Green Sandpiper x1 Reception Pool
Blackcap By Willow Pool
Water Rail Marsh Covert Hide
Greenshank x1 Marsh Covert Hide
Swallows 60+ Burton Point
House Martins Over IMF
Great Egret Near Border Pool

15th August 2019
Hilbre Island
9 Arctic Skua,70 Manx Shearwater,5 Gannet,4 Little Tern,Kittiwakes, Sandwich Tern and Common Tern

Sandbach Flashes
Adult Yellow Legged Gull-Elton Hall Flash


2 Ruddy Shelduck

Pickerings Pasture

Egyptian Goose

Woolston Eyes

2 Dunlin and 3 Green Sandpiper

New Brighton
3 Storm Petrel heading out of River Mersey and 2 Arctic Skua just before high tide

Caldy Wildfowl Collection
5,650 Black-tailed Godwit

14th August 2019
Marbury Country Park
Greenshank and Little Egret-Neumann's Flash

Leasowe Lighthouse
Greenshank-Near groyne

12 Common Scoter,2 Gannet,2 Arctic Skua and 27 Manx Shearwater and 270 Dunlin on shore

Thurstaston Shore
3 Mediterranean Gull (adults)

Burton Rspb
Snipe x10 Main Scrape 
Avocets x2 Main Scrape 
Greenshank x1 Main Scrape 
Dunlin x5 Main Scrape
Ruff x1 (M) Main Scrape
Reed Warbler Main Scrape
Peregrine Over Main Scrape
Green Sandpiper x1 Reception Pool
Chiffchaff By Woodland Pool
Buzzard Marsh Covert Wood
Little Grebes x4 Bridge Pool
Raven Over Birdcrop Field
Whitethroat By Wooden Bridge To IMF
Swallows Burton Point
House Martins Burton Point
Great Egret x1 Burton Marsh From Point

Sandbach Flashes
Garganey-Elton Hall Flash

13th August 2019
Newchurch Common
Smew-Female of unknown origin-again on the large pool north of the track 

Burton Rspb
Marsh Harrier (F) Burton Marsh From Point 
Merlin Burton Marsh From Point 
Great Egrets x4 Burton Marsh From Point 
Swallows Burton Point
House Martins Burton Point
Blackcap x2 By Railway Bridge
Snipe x6 IMF
Raven Over Birdcrop Field
Whitethroat Far End Of Boardwalk
Green Sandpiper x1 Reception Pool
Avocets x4 Main Scrape
Barnacle Goose x1 Main Scrape
Buzzard Fence Behind Wet Grassland
Stock Doves Fence Left Of Main Scrape
Ruff x1 Main Scrape
Dunlin x8 IMF

Red Rocks

Burton Marsh

Caldy Wildfowl Collection
4,570 Black-tailed Godwit (52 juveniles)

Parkgate-Boathouse Flash
6 Spoonbill and 17 Greenshank

12th August 2019
Burton RSPB
Great Egret x1 Near Reedbed Screen
Snipe x4 Main Scrape
Ruff x1 Main Scrape
Avocets x5 Main Scrape
Snow Goose Main Scrape
Peregrine Over Wet Grassland
Green Sandpiper Reception Pool
Swallow Over Reception Pool
Buzzard Over Marsh Covert Wood
Cetti's Warbler Along Boardwalk
Blackcap By Railway Bridge
Marsh Harrier (F) Burton Marsh From Point
Great Egrets x2 Burton Marsh From Point
Whitethroat By Wooden Bridge To IMF
Dunlin x18 IMF
Snipe x5 IMF
Knot x1 IMF
L Owl x3 Burton Point Seen From Cycle Path

Yellow Wagtail-7 in sheep fields-Burton point

Parkgate-Boathouse Flash
7 Spoonbill and 15 Greenshank

Frodsham Marshes
Black Necked Grebe(Juvenile)-N06 Tank

11TH August 2019
Sandbach Flashes
Garganey,2 Green Sandpiper and a Common Sandpiper-Pumphouse Flash

Burton RSPB
Great Egrets x2 Burton Marsh From Point 
Green Woodpeckers x2 Burton Point 
Whitethroat By Railway Bridge 
Blackcap By Railway Bridge
Dunlin x3 IMF
Sedge Warbler IMF
Great Crested Grebe Over IMF
Wigeon Bridge Pool
Great Egrets x2 Near Reedbed Screen
Green Sandpiper Reception Pool
Barnacle Goose Main Scrape
Snow Goose Main Scrape
Avocets x6 Main Scrape
Knot x2 Main Scrape
Sparrowhawk On Island Main Scrape
Ruff x2 Main Scrape
Garganey Main Scrape
Snipe x10 Main Scrape
Buzzard Over Marsh Covert Hide
Water Rail IMF
Garganey IMF

Spotted Flycatcher-IMF

Parkgate-Boathouse Flash

7 Spoonbill and 20 Greenshank

Burton Point

2 Wheatear and 2 Little Owl

New Brighton

Whimbrel-By Fort Perch

Meols Shore


Frodsham Marshes

Black Necked Grebe-N06 Tank-Ruddy Shelduck-Weaver Bend

Marbury Country Park

Willow Tit-Dragonfly pool-Anderton

10th August 2019

600+ Dunlin,350+ Ringed Plover,2 Sanderling,4 Knot,200+ Black tailed Godwit,Bar Tailed Godwit,7 Turnstone,Whimbrel,2 Common Sandpiper,Greenshank,17 Avocet,Peregrine Falcon, Marsh Harrier and 2 Yellow Legged Gull(Ad and 3s)

Burton RSPB
Avocets x7 Main Scrape 
Snipe x5 Main Scrape 
Ruff x2 Main Scrape 
Snow Goose Main Scrape
Common Sandpiper x1 Reception Pool
Green Sandpiper x1 Reception Pool
Swallows Over Reception Pool
House Martins 30+ Reception Pool
Great Egret Near Reedbed Screen
Buzzard Over Marsh Covert Wood
Little Grebe Bridge Pool
Barnacle Goose Field Right Of Birdcrop Field
Dunlin x24 IMF
Swifts x5 Burton Point
Garganey (Juv) Main Scrape

Caldy Wildfowl Collection

6,130 Black-tailed Godwit (a site record and 10% of the total islandica race, 14% of max UK count)

Heswall Shore

1300 Oystercatcher,350 Dunlin,Common Sandpiper,5400 Redshank,Greenshank,4 adult Mediterranean Gull's and a Wheatear

Meols Shore

5 Whimbrel flew past groyne,Wheatear and a Greenshank

Hilbre Island

Black Tern,Mediterranean Gull,2 Greenshank.Ruff and a Whitethroat

Parkgate-Boathouse Flash

6 Spoonbill and 20 Greenshank

Burton Marsh

3 Wheatear by sheep pens,Hobby,23 Swift,3 Yellow Wagtail and 3 Raven

Dunge Valley Gardens
Chough-Juvenile still to north-east in sheep field at nearby Windgather Rocks as viewed from stile at SJ994782

Frodsham Marshes
2 Garganey,Black Necked Grebe-N06 Tank-Ruddy Shelduck-Weaver Bend

Woolston Eyes
Kittiwake-Juvenile,Garganey and a Black necked Grebe-N03 Bed

9th August 2019
Parkgate-Boathouse Flash
9 Great White Egret,7 Spoonbill and 20 Greenshank

Caldy Wildfowl Collection
Green Sandpiper heard but not seen (flyover?)

Burton Point
Wheatear and a Yellow Wagtail

Burton RSPB
Wood Sandpiper and 2 Knot

Frodsham Marshes
3 Garganey,Wood Sandpiper and Black Necked Grebe

8th August 2019
Parkgate-Boathouse Flash
8 Spoonbill

Caldy Wildfowl Collection
4,700 Black-tailed Godwit

Burton,Denhall Lane

Green Sandpiper,2 Marsh Harrier and a Hen Harrier (ringtail).

Leasowe Lighthouse

2 Wheatear and a Greenshank

Burton RSPB
Snipe x4 Main Scrape 
Avocets x8 Main Scrape 
Ruff x2 Main Scrape 
Garganey (Juv) Main Scrape
Snow Goose Main Scrape
Marsh Harrier Over Wet Grassland
Buzzard Fence Left Of Wet Grassland
Green Sandpiper x1 Reception Pool
Chiffchaff Along Boardwalk
Blackcap By Railway Bridge Feeding Young
Kestrel By Railway Bridge
Whitethroat Railway Bridge Feeding Young
Swallows Burton Point
Great Egrets x4 Burton Marsh From Point
Snipe x5 IMF
Water Rail (Juv) IMF
Reed Warbler IMF
Garganey (F) IMF
Dunlin x18 IMF

Wood sandpiper

Dunge Valley Gardens
Chough-Juvenile still to north-east in sheep field at nearby Windgather Rocks as viewed from stile at SJ994782

Woolston Eyes

Marsh Warbler-Trapped and ringed at No.3 bed and 3 Sanderling-N03 Bed

7th August 2019
Burton RSPB
Swallows Burton Point 
Dunlin x17 IMF 
Ruff x1 (M) IMF 
Wood Sandpiper x1 IMF
Marsh Harrier Over IMF
Sedge Warbler Bridge Screen
Reed Warbler Marsh Covert Hide
Little Grebe Marsh Covert Hide
Green Woodpecker By Burton Mere
Green Sandpiper x1 Reception Pool
Snipe x6 Main Scrape
Ruff x1 Main Scrape
Avocets x8 Main Scrape
Snow Goose x1 Main Scrape
Kestrel Burton Point

Wood Sandpiper
Great White Egret

Parkgate-Boathouse Flash
8 Spoonbill

Sandbach Flashes
Gull Billed Tern,3rd Summer Caspian Gull,Juvenile Mediterranean Gull and Juvenile Yellow Legged Gull -Elton Hall Flash

Dunge Valley Gardens
Chough-Juvenile still to north-east in sheep field at nearby Windgather Rocks as viewed from stile at SJ994782

6th August 2019
Burton RSPB
Avocets x7 Main Scrape 
Barnacle Goose Main Scrape 
Snow Goose Main Scrape 
Snipe x5 Main Scrape
Buzzard Fence Left Of Wet Grassland
Reed Warbler Reedbed Screen
Great Egret Over Reedbed
Little Grebe Bridge Pool
Kestrel x2 Burton Point
Great Egret x1 Burton Marsh From Point
Dunlin x11 IMF
Green Sandpiper IMF
Wood Sandpiper IMF Both Sands Together
Ruff (M) IMF
Sedge Warbler IMF
Common Sandpiper IMF

Black Necked Grebe-On West Pool at Silver Lane Pools 

Hilbre Island
Arctic Skua,9 Little Tern,600 Dunlin and 200 Ringed Plover

Hobby-Over fields between Townsfield lane and River Dee

Burton RSPB

Wood sandpiper and Green sandpiper

Dunge Valley Gardens
Chough-Juvenile still to north-east in sheep field at nearby Windgather Rocks as viewed from stile at SJ994782

Sandbach Flashes
Gull Billed Tern-Pumphouse Flash-Seen briefly and then no further sign
5th August 2019
Burton RSPB roost
42 Little Egret, 9 Great White Egret and a Marsh Harrier recorded this evening between 7pm and 9.15pm 

Adult Yellow Legged Gull

Burton RSPB

Marsh Harrier (F) Burton Marsh From Point 
Great Egrets x2 Burton Marsh From Point 
Kestrel x2 Burton Marsh From Point 

Swallows Burton Point
Raven Over Birdcrop Field
Sedge Warbler IMF
Dunlin x6 IMF
Ruff (M) IMF
Spotted Redshank x1 IMF
Great Egret x1 IMF
Stock Doves x2 IMF

Little Grebe Bridge Pool
Great Crested Grebes x2 Bridge Pool
Snipe x9 Marsh Covert Hide
Reed Warbler By Reedbed Screen
Water Rail (Heard) Reedbed Screen
Buzzard Over Marsh Covert Wood
Blackcap (M & F) By Willow Pool
Green Sandpiper Reception Pool
Avocets Main Scrape
Snow Goose Main Scrape

Parkgate-Boathouse Flash
7 Spoonbill and 3 Greenshank

Dunge Valley Gardens
Chough-Juvenile still to north-east in sheep field at nearby Windgather Rocks as viewed from stile at SJ994782 also Spotted Flycatcher and Redstart
Frodsham Marshes
3 Garganey,2 Black Necked Grebe and a Wood Sandpiper-N06 Tank

4th August 2019
Burton Rspb
Buzzard Fence Right Wet Grassland 
Swifts Over Wet Grassland 
Avocets x16 Main Scrape 
Spotted Redshank x1 Main Scrape
Snipe x6 Main Scrape
Green Sandpiper x1 Main Scrape
Swallows Over Reception Pool
House Martins Over Reception Pool
Sand Martins Over Reception Pool
Reed Warbler By Reedbed Screen
Wood Sandpiper x1 Marsh Covert Hide
Water Rail (Heard) Marsh Covert Hide
Little Grebes x5 Bridge Pool
Great Crested Grebes x2 Bridge Pool
Blackcap x2 (M & F) Railway Bridge
Green Woodpecker (Heard) By Railway Bridge
Dunlin x22 IMF
Ruff x1 (M ) IMF
Greenshank x1 IMF
Great Egret x1 Border Pool

Leasowe Lighthouse
Common Sandpiper on groyne,Kingfisher along River Birket and a Little Owl Meols end of Park Lane

Doddington Pool
Black necked Grebe

Frodsham Marshes
2 Garganey,2 Black Necked Grebe and a Wood Sandpiper-N06 Tank

Rosetherne Mere
Black Necked Grebe

3rd August 2019
Burton RSPB
Marsh Harrier Burton Marsh From Point 
Great Egrets x2 Burton Marsh From Point 
Raven Burton Marsh From Point 
Kestrel Burton Point
Swallows 100+ Burton Point
Sand Martins Burton Point
Dunlin x7 IMF
Pintail x1 IMF (Photo Phone Scoped)
Ruff (M) IMF
Great Crested Grebes x2 Bridge Pool
Reed Warbler Reedbed Screen
Cetti's Warbler By Willow Pool
Blackcap By Burton Mere
Green Sandpiper x1 Reception Pool
Snipe Main Scrape
Avocets x13 Main Scrape
Buzzard Fence With Prey Wet Grassland
Great Egret x1 By Fence Wet Grassland

Denhall Quay
33 Great Egret flew towards roost from Denhall Quay,official RSPB count!!Five, which were seen to fly over Burton towards Burton Mere Wetlands from direction of Frodsham Marsh,may well be in addition to those.

Caldy Wildfowl Collection
4,200 Black-tailed Godwit

Caldy Steps
2 Wheatear

Hoylake Shore
Yellow-legged Gull and 3 Mediterranean Gull plus lots of gulls and terns

Chelford-Lapwing Hall Pool
Black Necked Grebe

Woolston eyes
14 probable Wood Sandpiper-Flew south and 4 Black Necked Grebe-N03 bed

Frodsham Marshes
Ruddy Shelduck,2 Black Necked Grebe and a Wood Sandpiper

2nd August 2019
Burton Rspb
Great Egret x2 Right Of Wet Grassland 
Buzzard Fence Right Wet Grassland 
Snipe x12 Main Scrape 
Avocets x14 Main Scrape
Green Sandpiper x1 Reception Pool
Little Grebe x1 Reception Pool
Water Rail (Heard) Reedbed Screen
Stock Doves x2 Marsh Covert Hide
Great Crested Grebes x2 Bridge Pool
Juvenile Garganey Bridge Pool
Whitethroat By Birdcrop Field
Swallows Over Birdcrop Field
Ruff x1 (M) IMF
Juvenile Water Rail IMF
Reed Warbler IMF
Green Woodpecker Burton Point
Great Egrets x2 Burton Marsh From Point
Marsh Harrier (F) Burton Marsh From Point
Juvenile Garganey IMF
Spotted Redshank x1 IMF

Denhall Quay
35 Great Egret-Flew towards roost

Caldy Wildfowl Collection
3,900 Black-tailed Godwit including first juvenile of the year

Hoylake Lifeboat Station

Meols-Dove Point
2 Mediterranean Gull on shore, 44 Common Scoter out to sea 

Hilbre Island
8 Whimbrel,Manx Shearwater,2 Shag and 10+ Little Tern

Common Quail-Male singing at Holt in fields south of A534 

Black Redstart-On wall near footpath along Danethorn Hollow 

1st August 2019
Hoylake Shore
Yellow-legged Gull and 5 Mediterranean Gull in gull and tern roost.

Leasowe Lighthouse
Mediterranean Gull in Kerr's Field,Grasshopper Warbler on nature trail and 2 Willow Warbler by pond

Beacon Woods,Heswall
Marsh Tit

Burton RSPB
Dunlin x1 IMF 
Ruff x1 (M) IMF 
Greenshank x2 IMF 
Sparrowhawk (F) Over IMF
Swallows Burton Point
Whitethroat Far End Of Boardwalk
Great Crested Grebes x2 Bridge Pool
Buzzard Marsh Covert Wood
Water Rail (Heard) Near Marsh Covert Hide
Reed Warbler By Marsh Covert Hide
Green Sandpiper x1 Reception Pool
Snipe x10 Main Scrape
Avocets x15 Main Scrape
Marsh Harrier (F) Over Wet Grassland
Great Egret x1 Right Of Wet Grassland
Wheatear x1 By The Barn
Peregrine Over Main Scrape
Kingfisher Burton Mere

Woolston Eyes
Juvenile Garganey-Morgan hide and 3 Black Necked Grebe