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Spent a few hours this morning birding with Malc Curtin on my old patch,Marbury county park.We were hoping to see the Bittern but it looks like its moved on after not been seen for a over a week now,we gave it a good go but were only rewarded with a calling Water rail.The rest of the morning was just spent wandering around taking a few photos.
Beautiful Day on Patch
Great Crested Grebe

 Reed Bunting
                                                                        Grey Heron
After a good walk around the patch i moved on to Newchurch common where i soon found the red head Smew. The bird was always asleep and i had to leave as the heavens opened and the light was to bad to get any decent photos.


Just as i was leaving i got a text off Malc to say the Northern Harrier had been accepted onto the British list which was a nice armchair tick that had took five years to go on.Happy Days!

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I nipped over to Burton RSPB this morning to try and photo the Long eared owl which has been on site for a while now.It was blowing a hooley when i got there so wasn't expecting to see it but i soon picked up the bird in the same area last years bird was seen.

Long Eared Owl
I never get fed up with seeing these beauties and hopefully if not disturbed it will stay into the New year.Otherwise very quiet on site but did see Cetti's warbler which was a bonus.