Having missed the Iberian wagtail at Leasowe in 2019 found by Stan Davidson, I travelled over to Conwy RSPB this morning. The waggon had gone missing off the salt marsh on arrival but was refound from the Benarth Hide, where it showed really well.
1). 2015 Yorkshire East Lea, Filey, 2CY, male, 22nd April, photo.
(BOURC (2017), Ibis 159: 926; C. Holt and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 110: 619; M. J. Pearson, British Birds 111: 695-698, plates 525 & 426).
2). 2018 Isles of Scilly Castella Down, St Agnes, 2CY, male, 21st to 22nd April, photo.
(C. Holt, P. French, and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 112: 611).
3). 2019 Cheshire & Wirral Leasowe Lighthouse, 2CY+, male, 26th to 29th April, photo.
(C. Holt, P. French, and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 113: 639).
4). 2020 Greater Manchester Audenshaw Reservoirs, 2CY+, male, 8th May, photo.
(C. Holt, P. French, and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 114: 616).
P). 2022 Isles of Scilly Little Porth, St Mary's, male, 13th to 16th April, photo.