13 July 2024


I visited Northamptonshire today and had a really good day catching up with Butterflies that I needed.I visited Weldon woodland park first and it didnt take long walking around the site to connect with my first Marbled whites.

7 Marbled whites were seen in total

Next stop was Fermyn woods where I saw my first Silver washed fritillary straight away as we got out the car.

Silver Washed Fritillary

There were Butterflies practically everywhere on site and then the magic moment came as I was photographing a White hairstreak up high in a tree.A Purple emperor appeared in front of me flew around and then headed high into the forest,amazing!

This is what I had travelled down to see and I was very lucky to be in the right place at the right time to see this one as many people on site were looking.

Purple Emperor | Butterfly Conservation

This photograph is off the net but shows 
the Purple emperor in all its glory

Photo - White-letter Hairstreak - Satyrium w-album - Observation.org

White Hairstreak

Other butterflies of note on site were:

White Admiral


Ringlet,which took a fancy to Jenna's hand!

Small Copper Butterfly Lycaena phlaeas ...

Small copper

 Gatekeeper | Butterfly Conservation


On the way back to the car to top it all off a Southern hawker put in an appearance to finish off a great day!

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