27 August 2024


Me and Owen called in at Ouse Fen RSPB this afternoon in Cambridgeshire to try and connect with a Black Winged Stilt that had been reported.We had previously visited here in May to see a Great Reed Warbler so we new the site and where to look for the Stilt.

It didnt take long before we connected with the Black Winged Stilt,feeding at the back of Cell 10.

The Black Winged Stilt showed really well but was always on the move and then got flushed by a Marsh Harrier as it flew over low and the Stilt ended up flying to the back of the marsh.

Other birds of note on Cell 10 were a Wood Sandpiper,Greenshank,Ringed Plover,Great White Egret and a Eurasian Spoonbill.


Great White Egret

A great afternoon's birding and a really nice reserve that the RSPB has purchased for the future.

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