Latest British(MEGAS) and Cheshire and Wirral bird sightings

3 May 2010


As me and Dianne were starting our three day break in Norfolk the MEGA alert went off just as we getting on the A14 to travel further east. A quick change over and I was driving back South and according to the sat nav we were only an hour and forty minutes away from this mega bird. Dan Pointon had tried to phone me an hour earlier but my phone was on silent and I had fallen asleep! Anyway we made good time nd we were soon back on the track heading up a mountain which was endless and needed the car to be in first and second gear most of the way. As we reached the top Dan was already on site and guided us into the car park. The bird could be heard singing which was frustrating for the next fifteen minutes but was in the undergrowth. The bird then flew right in front of us and landed on a stone wall. We got great views and then the bird flew again and landed in a nearby holly bush and sang its heart out in full view, what a bird and it was thankfully found by a guy who was doing a Whinchat count in the area. This species has only been seen in Britain on five occasions the last one being a one day bird in 2001 at Sizewell in Suffolk. After great views of the bird we headed east to Norfolk after seeing another great bird!

Marmora's Warbler

Marmora's Warbler

Me and Dan On Site

There are 5 previous records of this species in Britain

2001 May 29 Suffolk  1 day Sizewell, male, 29th May, video., photo. 

2001 May 12 to May 18 Norfolk 7 days Scolt Head, in song, 12th, 18th May.

1993 May 23 to May 27 Borders 5 days St Abb's Head, male, in song, 23rd to 27th May, 

1992 Jun 8 to Jun 9 Yorks 2 days Spurn, in song, 8th to 9th June, trapped 8th June, photo. 

1982 May 15 to Jul 24 Yorks 71 days Midhope Moor, male, in song, 15th May to 24th July