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Scrolling through Twitter this morning, I noticed that a 1st summer American Golden Plover had been found at Seaforth Nature Reserve in Liverpool just across the River Mersey by Jon Greep. A great find, and after the Elegant Tern had flown past the north Wirral coast from Anglesey earlier in the week and also ended up in Lancashire, two good birds had slipped the net! The American Golden Plover didn't hang around long and flew high south.

Tim Kinch was out birding around Hoylake this afternoon and refound the bird around 1pm near the Lifeboat station. What were the chances of that happening? Another great find.

Allan Conlin managed to get a video of the bird
torrential rain when it was first found

A Cheshire and Wirral lifer for me, and I was stuck in work! but thankfully the plover hung around until this evening and showed really well on arrival.Big thanks to Allan Conlin for keeping me updated on the bird.

American Golden Plover
(C)Steve Willaims

This was the 6th record for Cheshire and Wirral. The last bird was in 2012, which flew over Hilbre Island on the 23rd September, and what was presumed was the same bird at Red Rocks on the 27th September.