Latest British(MEGAS) and Cheshire and Wirral bird sightings

10 Jun 2016


I looked at my phone at 3.10pm whilst at work and Birdguides had put out a drake Long tailed duck on Lapwing hall pool.My break wasn't until 4pm but after a quick word with my boss I was off.
I arrived on site in pouring rain and soon picked up the bird happily swimming around in the centre of the pool.


This is the third record of Long tailed duck I have seen in the area, the last one was present on Catchpenny pool from 14/11/2004 until 22/02/05 and was a drake bird and my first was seen again on Catchpenny pool on the 12/05/1995 and was also a drake.
Another great bird for the area and nice to see other birders now visiting and hopefully other birds will now be found.Whilst photographing the Long tailed duck a party of newly fledged Blue tits visited a reed bed where I was stood.