Fatbirder's Top 1000 Birding Websites



I visited Whitley Reed this afternoon en route to Marbury Country Park and had good views of Tree Sparrow and Yellowhammer.

The bird feeders had good numbers of birds on them

Whitley Reed

8 Tree sparrows were seen on site

BEAUTIFUL BRIGHT YELLOW BIRD ??? I/D PLEASE - Big Garden Birdwatch - Big  Garden Birdwatch - The RSPB Community
4 Yellowhammers were seen

After that, I visited my old stomping ground, Marbury Country Park, where I was rewarded with stunning views of a female Hawfinch sitting in a lime tree after a good couple of hours of searching for it.

Up to five Hawfinchs have been around the park since last November

After seeing the Hawfinch, I made my way down to the Bittern hide and waited with a few familiar faces to see if we could spot the Bittern.

Looking over the Coward reedbed

Budworth Mere

A jay and a kingfisher kept us entertained while we waited for the bittern.



The Bittern eventually showed really well in the reedbed. I managed to get some video of the bird and phone-scoped photos of the bird which aren't the best, but still a great bird to see.

Another lovely afternoon out birding and some quality birds were seen for the Cheshire yearlist.