Latest British(MEGAS) and Cheshire and Wirral bird sightings

31 Jul 2022



Jul 31st

3 Arctic Skua offshore - Meols.

4 Great Egret - Burton Mere Wetlands.

Ruddy Shelduck-Still on the River Mersey-Hale

Wood Sandpiper-Juvenile and 3 Garganey-Burton RSPB


RED TAILED SHRIKE-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

Jul 30th

Caspian Gull-One opposite car park and 2 Ruddy Shelduck-Pickerings Pasture

Garganey-Drake-N06 Tank-Frodsham Marshes

3 Garganey - Burton Mere Wetlands.

Spotted Redshank-One mid-mersey from Within Way-Hale

7 Greenshank, 2 Common Sandpiper, 2 Yellow Wagtail and a pair of Water Rail with 3 chicks - Parkgate.

3 Mediterranean Gull - Meols Shore.

2,830 Black-tailed Godwit - Caldy Wildfowl Collection.

3 Garganey and a Wood Sandpiper - Burton Mere Wetlands.

Merlin,Hobby and a Marsh Harrier - Decca Pools.


RED TAILED SHRIKE-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

Jul 29th

5 Black Necked Grebe-Woolston Eyes

Garganey-Drake-N06 Tank-Frodsham Marshes

3 Garganey and a Wood Sandpiper - Burton Mere Wetlands.

(Pete Sutton)

Spotted Redshank-One mid-mersey from Within Way-Hale

Hobby,Peregrine,4+ Marsh Harrier,Common Sandpiper,3 Greenshank and 3 juv Yellow Wagtail - Parkgate.

3 Garganey and 5 Green Sandpiper - Burton Mere Wetlands.

3 Mediterrnean Gull,300 Common Gull and 4,000 Black-headed Gull on rising tide this morning - West Kirby Shore.

7 Buzzard kettling over Saughall.


RED TAILED SHRIKE-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

Jul 28th

2nd Summer Caspian Gull and 5 yellow Legged Gulls-Widnes

Caspain Gull
(C)Dave Craven

Garganey-Adult female and juvenile and 2 Black necked grebe-Woolston Eyes


RED TAILED SHRIKE-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

Jul 27th

Garganey-Burton RSPB


RED TAILED SHRIKE-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

Jul 26th

Black Necked Grebe-Adult and Juvenile-Lapwing Hall Pool

2 Garganey and 5 Black Necked Grebes-Woolston Eyes

Quail-Parkgate Marsh

Whinchat-Whitley Reed

Eurasian Spoonbill-Immature-Parkgate


RED TAILED SHRIKE-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

Jul 25th

11 Whimbrel on mud off south end of West Kirby Marine Lake before high tide,4 Mediterranean Gull in roost.

Whinchat-Maw green Landfill Site


RED TAILED SHRIKE-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

Jul 24th

Garganey and 4 Black necked Grebes-Woolston Eyes

Turnstone-Acre Nook Sand Quarry

Eurasian Spoonbill-Immature-Parkgate

3 Whimbrel flew inland,juv White Wagtail in paddocks,30 House Martin over - Leasowe Lighthouse.

1,740 Black-tailed Godwit - Caldy Wildfowl Collection.

Wood Sandpiper - Burton Mere Wetlands.

500+ Sandwich Tern,100 Common Tern,15 Whimbrel and a Common Sandpiper - Hilbre.


RED TAILED SHRIKE-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

Jul 23rd

Spoonbill,Hobby,Whimbrel,4 Greenshank and a Little Ringed Plover,Quail calling - Parkgate.

3 Spoonbill Garganey,5 Green Sandpiper,6 Ruff,Little Ringed Plover,juv Yellow Wagtail,3 Great Egret,2 Marsh Harrier,Avocet and a Pintail - Burton Mere Wetlands.

27 Little Egret,1180 Oystercatcher,12 Grey Plover,8 Knot,130 Dunlin,3 Whimbrel,1415 Curlew,30 Black-tailed Godwit,2800 Redshank,1450 Black-headed Gull,Mediterranean Gull,420 Common Gull - Thurstaston/Heswall Shore over high tide.

7 Rock Pipit including several juvs,110 Curlew,7 Whimbrel,30 Ringed Plover,6 Turnstone (s/pl),150+ Dunlin and 800+ Black-headed Gull over high tide - Hilbre.

Arctic Tern (1st sum),40 Common Tern,310 Sandwich Tern,3 Mediterranean Gull,5 Whimbrel and 30 Common Gull - East Hoyle Bank at low tide (terns mostly over sea fishing).


RED TAILED SHRIKE-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

Jul 21nd

At least 3 Marsh Harrier,2 Little Ringed Plover,Mediterranean Gull,3 Greenshank,2 Common Sandpiper,4 Water Rail and a spoonbill (juv) between Donkeystand Flash and Boathouse Pub, also Quail heard north of Boathouse - Parkgate.


RED TAILED SHRIKE-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

Jul 20th

2 Little Ringed Plover,Hobby,Mediterranean Gull and a Greenshank at Donkeystand Flash and Quail heard,Spoonbill and 3 Greenshank at Boathouse Flash - Parkgate.

Several Great Egret,2 Little Ringed Plover,3 Ruff,Spotted Redshank,2 Green Sandpiper and a Wood Sandpiper - Burton Mere Wetlands.

2 Common Sandpiper on groyne - Meols Shore.

Little Ringed Plover,Spotted Redshank,2150 Redshank,1550 Curlew,500 Black-tailed Godwit,3 Mediterranean Gull,2000 Black-headed Gull a Yellow Wagtail early morning - Heswall Shore.

1,600 Black-tailed Godwit - Caldy Wildfowl Collection.
6 Arctic Skua, 6 Little Tern and 3 Manx Shearwater - Hilbre.


RED TAILED SHRIKE-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

Jul 19th

12 Sand Martin flew west over West Kirby Marine Lake.

6 Greenshank on Donkeystand Flash,Spoonbill and a Quail heard - Parkgate.

2 Kite over heading north at 5.45pm - Thurstaston.

5 Little Ringed Plover (3 juv),Ruff,Green Sandpiper and a Wood Sandpiper - Burton Mere Wetlands.


RED TAILED SHRIKE-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

Jul 18th

Quail calling this morning - Riverbank Road, Heswall.

Quail calling in field behind grain store - Burton Mere Wetlands.

4 Mediterranean Gull in roost - West Kirby Shore.


RED TAILED SHRIKE-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

Jul 17th

Pectoral Sandpiper and Spotted Redshank-N06 Tank-Frodsham Marshes

Hobby over Saughall.

Hobby over flying east - Leasowe Lighthouse.

Spoonbill,4 Greenshank,Little Ringed Plover and a Hobby over - Parkgate.

Common Sandpiper,Eider,100 Swallow,2 Yellow Wagtail,9 Swift and 6 Whimbrel - Hilbre.

3 Red Kite over Harrison Park/Wellington Road at 12.20/12.30hrs heading towards Fort Perch and then flew over Seaforth- New Brighton.

3 Yellow Wagtail and 2 Sand Martin flying east - Heswall Fields.

Quail heard off Cottage Lane, Heswall.

1,400 Black-tailed Godwit - Caldy Wildfowl Collection.

Spotted Redshank-Burton RSPB

Spotted Redshank-Pickerings Pasture


RED TAILED SHRIKE-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

Jul 16th

Common Scoter-Drake still on Parklands Sand Quarry-Chelford

Black Necked Grebe-at least eight (two adults and six juveniles) still; also 2 adult female Garganey on No 3 Bed

Quail calling off Old Baths/golf course,5 Greenshank on Bevyl Road Flash and 3 Common Tern over Donkey Stand Flash - Parkgate.


RED TAILED SHRIKE-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

Jul 15th

Spotted Redshank-Burton RSPB

6 Mediterranean Gull and 1,500+ Black-headed Gull on playing fields Greenbank Road - West Kirby.


RED TAILED SHRIKE-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

Jul 14th

Adult Yellow legged Gull-Sandbach Flashes

Spotted Redshank-Burton RSPB

Caspian Gull-2nd-summer on sandbanks just west of old Runcorn Bridge; also 7 Yellow Legged Gulls-Widnes

3 Little Ringed Plover - Donkey Stand Flash, Parkgate.


RED TAILED SHRIKE-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

Jul 13th

Black Necked Grebe-Juvenile-Acre Nook Sand Quarry

Spotted Redshank-Burton RSPB

Quail calling out from Net's Cafe - Burton Marsh.

8+ Mediterranean Gull - Heswall Shore.

7 Ruff,2 Spotted Redshank,2 Marsh Harrier,Great Egret,7 Yellow Wagtail and 2 Little Ringed Plover
Burton Mere Wetlands.

Red Kite over Puddington Lane - Burton.


RED TAILED SHRIKE-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

July 12th

Common Scoter-Bottom Flash-Winsford

Juvenile Black Necked grebe-South Hide-Moore Nature Reserve

Spotted Redshank-Burton RSPB

Black Necked Grebe-At least nine (two adults and seven juveniles)-Woolston Eyes

Channel Wagtail-Whitley Reed

Whooper Swan-Bottom Flash-Winsford

Black Necked Grebe-juvenile on West Pool-Silver Lane Pools

Black Necked Grebe-Juvenile-Acre Nook Sand Quarry


RED TAILED SHRIKE-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

July 11th

Black Necked Grebe-Juvenile-Budworth Mere-Northwich


RED TAILED SHRIKE-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

July 10th

Black Necked Grebe-Juvenile-Acre Nook Sand Quarry

Spotted Redshank-Burton RSPB

Eurasian Spoonbill-Boathouse flash-Parkgate


RED TAILED SHRIKE-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

July 9th

9 Mediterranean Gulls (8ad, 1 2nd summer),400 Oystercatcher,24 Grey Plover, 3 Knot,35 Dunlin,915 Curlew,Whimbrel,550 Redshank,67 Common Gull,920 Black-headed Gull,18 Sandwich Tern at high tide  -Thurstason Shore.

4 Greenshank-Boathouse Flash, Parkgate.

Eurasian Bittern-One circled over mere then flew west and possibly landed in reedbed at west end-Pick Mere

Black Necked Grebe-Juvenile-Acre Nook Sand Quarry

Spotted Redshank-Burton RSPB


RED TAILED SHRIKE-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

July 8th

4 Channel Wagtail and Female Honey Buzzard-Hale

Honey Buzzard
(C)Dave Craven

6 Spotted Redshank-Burton RSPB

Eurasian Spoonbill-Parkgate


RED TAILED SHRIKE-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

July 7th

Common Scoter and Juvenile Black Necked grebe-Acre nook Sand Quarry

Common Quail-Singing male briefly in wheat field between Flaxmere Moss and Norley Road-Flaxmere Moss

6 Spotted Redshank-Burton RSPB

5 Spotted Redshank - Burton Mere Wetlands.

At least 8 Mediterranean Gull also 385 Oystercatcher, 28 summer plumage Black-tailed Godwit, 3 non breeding Knot - Thurstaston Shore.

720 Black-tailed Godwit (mostly non-breeding) just north of Flint Point.

3370 Shelduck (possibly moutling flock) on mud west of Parkgate Marsh (counted from Flint Point).


RED TAILED SHRIKE-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

July 6th

Juvenile Black Necked Grebe-Acre Nook Sand Quarry

Wheatear - Derby Pool, Wallasey.

5 Spotted Redshank and a Green Sandpiper - Burton Mere Wetlands.

2 Arctic Skua past this evening  - Middle Eye, Hilbre.


RED TAILED SHRIKE-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

July 5th

Black Necked Grebe-at least nine (four on No 3 Bed and five on No 4 Bed) still

Black Necked Grebe-Juvenile

Black Necked Grebe-2 Adults-Lapwing Hall Pool

Rock Pipit off south end of West Kirby Marine Lake.

Eider - Hilbre.


RED TAILED SHRIKE-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

July 4th

Juvenile Black necked Grebe and 4 Common Scoter-Budworth Mere-Northwich

Common Scoter

Black Necked Grebe
(C)Malc Curtin

July 3th

Wood Sandpiper-Hale

2 Wood Sandpiper-Acre Nook Sand Quarry

Hobby flew from Decca Pools to Denhall Quay.

Quail calling on the marsh off golf course - Parkgate.

85 Sandwich Tern, 1 Gannet and 1 Eider - Hilbre.


RED TAILED SHRIKE-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

July 2nd 

Wood Sandpiper-two on island from viewpoint-Acre Nook Sand quarry

5 Ruff (males) and 2 Green Sandpiper - Burton Mere Wetlands.

2 Water Rail (1 juv) and a Common Sandpiper - Donkey Stand Flash, Parkgate.


RED TAILED SHRIKE-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

July 1st

Wood Sandpiper-Two still on pool west of 'stilt island'-Neumann's Flash-Northwich

Spotted Redshank-N0 6 Tank-Frodsham Marshes

215 Oystercatcher,Golden Plover,73 Lapwing,2 spl Black-tailed Godwit,820 Curlew,2 Whimbrel,125 Redshank,6 Mediterranean Gull,1140 Black-headed Gull on the rising tide this morning - Heswall Shore.

c50 Sandwich Tern and c2 Mediterranean Gull - West Kirby Shore.


RED TAILED SHRIKE-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire

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