Fatbirder's Top 1000 Birding Websites



It has been really quiet in Cheshire and Wirral since the beginning of June on the birding front with not many good birds to go for.Spring to be honest has been rather crap if you weren't in the right place at the right time.A White Winged Black tern stayed all morning at Burton RSPB and then flew off with no further sign and then the White tailed lapwing did an overnight bunk from Woolston Eyes,followed by Dave craven finding a flyover Honey Buzzard at Hale.

Honey Buzzard
A great find by Dave Craven!

At last! on the 16th of July I got a new bird for the year list,a Quail was singing at Old baths carpark,Parkgate and then on the 17th a Pectoral sandpiper was found at Frodsham Marshes.I got good views of the bird eventually though distant in with the Redshank flock.

It was nice to catch up with some Cheshire regulars!

On the 20th I visited Hilbre Island and stayed over the high tide with Pete sutton and Allan Conlin.

A moderate north westerly was enough to bring in some autumn sea birds in view from the islands today.Noteworthy were 3 Manx Shearwaters and 3 Arctic Skuas,also 6 Gannets, Kittiwake,4 Great Crested Grebes and a Red-breasted Merganser.Six Little Terns and a couple of Common Terns were among the estimated 300 Sandwich Terns.Fifty two Turnstone (including summer plumaged individuals),6 Whimbrel and 9 Sanderling were the best of the waders.A great day out birding and saw some birds for the list at last!