The year started off steady with some local birding until the 29/01, when a Dartford Warbler was photographed near the rifle range at Burton Marsh. People did go looking for the bird, but there was no further sign of it.
The first week in February I spent in Fuerteventura and saw some cracking birds during the week. The star bird of the week was the red-billed tropicbird at Atlantico Mall, Caleta, which showed so well, absolutely amazing views.
Red-billed Tropicbird
Other birds of note were:
Cream Coloured Courser
Houbara Bustard
Egyptian Vulture
Black Bellied Sandgrouse
Trumpeter Finch
On 19/02, I visited Burton Marsh and got great views of a Lesser White-fronted Goose of unknown origin. It's always worth seeing these birds, you never know.
The following day I spent in North Wales and had a great day out birding!
South-westerly winds extending across the Bay of Biscay from Iberia and North Africa at the start of the first week in March produced perfect 'funnel' conditions for a large-scale migrant arrival, although even more noticeable still was an extraordinary Alpine Swift influx across Britain and Ireland.
When glancing at the Birdguides sighting page, it has been impossible to miss the scale of this record-shattering influx, with birds reported from more than 60 locations, including no fewer than 13 sites enjoying multiple birds. Ireland hosted the bulk of reports, with perhaps as many as 50 different birds, including an astonishing nine over Bray, Co Wicklow, on 19th—the biggest flock ever recorded in Ireland. Six at Stanpit Marsh, Dorset, the previous day, meanwhile, is the largest modern-day flock recorded in Britain
It was our turn then on the Wirral on the 22/03 when two Alpine Swifts were seen over Hoylake, but they flew straight through. I visited Burton RSPB 23/03 and got good views of a Long-billed Dowitcher. These are becoming annual at this site now, but it's always nice to see this American wader
Long-billed Dowitcher
Then, on the 30/03/, an Alpine Swift spent half an hour over Burton RSPB but flew west just as I arrived towards the River Dee. Will this bird ever get on my list? Missed so many by minutes.
The Alpine Swift spent half an hour over Burton RSPB before flying west
On 10/4, I was back at Burton RSPB, getting brief views of a Savi's warbler; it was really elusive but very vocal, at least a Cheshire tick.
Another visit on the 19/04 to Burton RSPB to see a Gull-billed Tern, which showed really well.
On the 29/04, I visited Dorset again after a terrible day the week before with Malc Curtin and Mark Payne driving around looking for a Forster's tern and not seeing it. I returned and got the boat over to Brownsea Island and got great views of the bird. Lifer at last!
Forster's Tern, 1st Lifer of the Year!
News broke on 01/05/05 that a Grey Headed Lapwing had been found at Low-Newton-by-the-Sea in Northumberland. I arrived a few hours later and got great views of the bird.
I was lucky today, 17/05/, as I was doing a bird survey at Hale and jammed in on Pectoral Sandpiper and Temminck's Stint at Carr Lane Pools. Both birds showed really well.
Temminck's Stint
Pectoral Sandpiper
On the 30/05/news broke that a Night Heron had been found on Pumphouse Flash at Sandbach Flashes. The bird thankfully stayed and showed well, and it made up for the Leasowe bird I missed many moons ago.
On 06/06, a Black Winged Stilt was found at Burton RSPB. On arrival, the bird showed really well and was my first for the site.
What a beauty!
I walked over to Hilbre Island on the 17/06 and found the Black Guillemot off the north end of the island, happily feeding away.
On the 22/06, a White Tailed Eagle, a released 2nd-summer female 'G542' from the Isle of Wight reintroduction scheme, was found on the Frodsham Score. The bird showed well, but was distant. I managed better views over the next week as I was doing a bird survey on the Mersey
The first week in July, I spent in Madeira and saw some great birds
Maderian Firecrest
Trocaz Pigeon
Madeiran Chaffinch
Zino's Petrel
Bulwer's Petrel
Band-rumped storm petrel
The 16/08 was costly when I missed two Citrine Wagtails at Hoylake due to work. I went the next morning, but they had gone.
A trip to the Scilly Isles on the 17/08 to see a Red Footed Booby. Thankfully the bird hung around on Bishops Rock and showed really well.
Red Footed Booby
Whilst working on the 28/08, an Osprey flew over whilst doing a bird survey at Hale
American warbler madness kicked off in Pembrokeshire on the 21/09 when I connected with a Magnolia Warbler at Govans Head, and then two days later on the 23/09 I saw a Bay Breasted Warbler on Ramsey Island and a Canada Warbler! An amazing few days!
Magnolia Warbler
Canada Warbler
Bay Breasted Warbler
On the 27/10, I visited Flamborough Head in East Yorkshire and saw a red-headed Headed Bunting

A very showy juvenile Great Northern Diver was seen on the 21/11 at West Kirby Marine Lake
Great Northern Diver
The year finished off with 30 Waxwings in rowans, Warrington on the 18/12
A great year birding and did a lot of travelling. Roll on 2024!