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I arrived at Leasowe around 12.30 today for an afternoons birding.I parked up at the lighthouse and soon connected with a Willow warbler in the lighthouse garden.The horse paddocks down Lingham lane held several Blackbird and a Pied Wagtail.There were good numbers of Goldfinch,Linnet and Greenfinch down the lane.Other birds of note were House Sparrow,Dunnock,Great and Blue Tit,Collared Dove and 4 Canada Goose over.
Collared Dove
Reaching the bridge half way down the lane I had 2 Chiffchaff and a male Blackcap skulking around in the alderberry bushes.
A seawatch followed off Leasowe where I connected with Common scoter,Great Crested grebe,Dunlin,Redshank and a single Lapwing flew past the wind farm.
Moving back towards the farm at the end of Park lane the paddocks were again very quiet a Swallow was around the farm and 3 House martins flew east.The fields behind the paddocks held 3 Little egrets and 6 Wheatear and a Reed bunting.
Reed Bunting
3 Little Egrets feeding in the fields
Moving on from Leasowe I called in at Gilroy nature park where a Common sandpiper had been reported.The flooded field next to the path held 2 Black tailed godwits,17 Shelduck,2 Oystercatcher and 4 Snipe
Black Tailed Godwit
Walking down the path I walked around the fishing pool and flushed the Common sandpiper which showed well.A Great crested grebe was also seen.

Common Sandpiper
Great Crested Grebe