Fatbirder's Top 1000 Birding Websites



Burton RSPB
Great Egret x3 Burton Marsh from Point
Pink-Footed Geese x10,000 As Above
Cetti`s Warbler By Wooden Bridge To IMF
Willow Warbler Trees Along Path To IMF (Photo)
Wheatear x5 Bird crop Field
Great-Crested Grebe x2 Bridge Screen Pool
Spotted Redshank x11 From Marsh Covert Hide
Goldcrest x2 Marsh Covert Wood
Sparrowhawk Over Marsh Covert Wood
Green Sandpiper Reception Pool
Treecreeper Behind Toilet Block
Mediterranean Gull x6 Main Scrape
Avocet x140+ Main Scrape
Peregrine Over Wet Grassland
Blackcap Along Path To Bunker
Cattle Egret Near Reception Pool

Heswall To Parkgate
13 Chiffchaff (singing) and a Blackcap along Wirral Way.

West Kirby
400 Black-tailed Godwit-Caldy Wildfowl Collection off Column Road.

Leasowe Lighthouse

3 Swallow.

Neston Old Quay
Marsh Harrier,Cetti's Warbler,Water Rail and at least 3 Great White Egret.

Burton Point
8+ Wheatear by sheep dips.

Gilroy Nature Park
2 Willow Warbler,5 Chiffchaff,5 Sand Martin,4 Swallow and 2 displaying Peregrine Falcons. 

2 Hawfinches- still behind Westrees,Delemere Park.

Astbury Mere
Hawfinch-Near visitors centre and 14 Brambling.

Newchurch CommonFemale Smew of unknown origin-In eastern bay of large pool north of track.

Hale-Carr Lane Pools
Drake Garganey.

Bickley Hall Farm
Ring Ouzel-Male from end of Stone Farm Trail this morning, alongside Lapwing Field. 

Ince Marshes
Bewick's Swan and 2 Whooper Swans.

Marbury Country Park
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker-Big Wood.