Fatbirder's Top 1000 Birding Websites



8 Great Crested Grebe and 2,500+ Common Scoter-After high tide and a Greenshank by the groyne.

Red Rocks

6 Brambling,9 Siskin,41 Fieldfare,5 Mistle Thrushes,2 Rock Pipit,Grey Wagtail and 42 Skylark.

Leasowe Lighthouse

5 Brambling,7 Siskin and 3 Redpoll flew over site.

Lower Heswall

c40 Fieldfare flew over site.

Decca Pools

Marsh Harrier,Great Egret and a Green Sandpiper.

Burton RSPB
Pink Footed Geese Wet Grassland 1000+
Cattle Egret x1 Main Scrape 
Little Stint main scrape 
Ruff x9 Main Scrape
Snipe Main Scrape
Stonechat By Reception Pool
Curlew Sandpiper Marsh Covert Hide
Water Rail By Bench Along Boardwalk
Linnets 30+ Blrdcrop Field
Great Egret Burton Marsh From Point
Cetti's Warbler x3
Sparrowhawk In Trees To IMF
Dunlin x20 IMF
Kingfisher x2 Flew Over Reception Pool

Bidston Moss Nature Reserve
Yellow-browed Warbler-Calling in willows under bridge.

Neston Marsh-Harp Inn
Hen Harrier-Female,2 Merlin,3 Green Sandpiper,Lesser Redpoll,2 Western Marsh Harrier and a 2 Great White Egret.

Pickerings Pasture
2 Common Sandpiper,Adult Mediterranean Gull,Peregrine falcon,Yellow Browed Warbler.

Frodsham Marshes
4 Great White Egrets.

Woolston Eyes
2 Great White Egret and a Marsh Harrier-From John Morgan Hide.

Ring Ouzel-One flew south over Hale Head this morning.

Newchurch Common
Smew of unknown origin-Adult female on the large pool north of the track.

Rostherne Mere
Adult-Yellow Legged Gull and Barn Owl flew past the observatory.

Sandbach Flashes
2 Cetti's warbler-Railway Flash and 2 Long Eared Owl's back at Groby flash.(PLEASE AVOID DISTURBING THE OWL'S SO EVERYONE CAN ENJOY)

Marbury Country Park-Budworth Mere
Female Goosander and 4 Whooper Swan's.