Burton RSPB
Egyptian Geese x3 Behind Wet Grassland
Avocets x88 Main Scrape
Black T Godwits 1300+ Wet Grassland
Marsh Harrier ( F) Over Wet Grassland
Water Pipits x2 Fence Line Right Main Scrape
Cetti's Warbler Over Path Marsh Covert Hide Spotted Redshank x7 Marsh Covert Hide
Buzzard x5 Over Marsh Covert Wood
Snipe x2 From Bridge Screen
Chiffchaff x2 (Heard) By Bridge Screen
Sand Martin x2 Over Bridge Pool
Pintail x8 IMF
Peregrine Over IMF
Oystercatcher x3 IMF
Reed Bunting x3 ( M) IMF
New Brighton
2 Kittiwake.
Leasowe Lighthouse
Mediterranean Gull (ad) and a Caspian Gull.
6 Eider,Great Northern Diver,2 Red-throated Diver and 2 Gannet.
3 Cattle Egret with Little Eget flock-In field across A540 from Two Mills pub.
Bittern-Off Old Baths.
New Brighton Marine Lake
11 Purple Sandpiper.
Hen Harrier-Female
Woolston Eyes-Permit Only
Adult Little Gull.
Sandbach Flashes
Northern Wheatear.
Two Mills
3 Cattle Egret-Two again in field opposite Tudor Rose at SJ349742.