Ring Necked Parakeet
Burton RSPB
Egyptian Geese x2 Wet Grassland
Little-Ringed Plovers X2 Main Scrape
Avocets 100+ Main Scrape
Mediterranean Gull x4 Main Scrape
Green Sandpiper Left Of Main Scrape
Cetti's Warbler x2 By Reedbed Screen
Spotted Redshank x4 Marsh Covert Hide
Great Crested Grebe x2 Bridge Pool
Sand Martins 20+ Over Bridge Pool
Swallows Over Bridge Pool
Chiffchaff In Copse To IMF
Pintail x11 IMF
Barnacle Goose By Border Pool
Long Tailed Duck Border Pool
Great Egrets x2 Burton Marsh From Point
Marsh Harrier ( F) Burton Marsh From Point
White Stork High Above Reserve
Buzzard Over Marsh Covert Wood
Treecreeper By Burton Mere
Pochard x2 Burton Mere
Leasowe Lighthouse
House Martin *first of spring*,Marsh Harrier flew north early morning,Glaucous Gull (1st winter) flew NE past car park and 4 Wheatear in horse paddocks.
Denhall towards Ness Gardens
Osprey-Carrying large fish
Hilbre Island
3 Wheatear,4 Eider (2 pair),4 Red-breated Merganser (2 pair) and at least 50 Brent Geese were seen flying out over the sea to NW.
Burton marsh
4 Marsh Harrier,Hen Harrier (ringtail),2 Merlin,Great White Egret and a Wheatear.
Burton Point and Sheep Pens
14 Wheatear
Western Osprey-Flew over Burnt Mill Farm heading north
Woolston Eyes
14 Black Necked grebe-N0 3 Bed
Ring Ouzel-On landfill at Silver Lane Pools then flew northwest
Short Eared Owl
Redes Mere
Drake and Female-Garganey
Astbury Mere
70-100+ Brambling