Burton RSPB
Peregrine High Over Reserve
Cetti's By Wooden Bridge To IMF
Whitethroat x2 Far End Of Boardwalk
Great Crested Grebes x2 Bridge Pool
Curlew Sandpiper Marsh Covert Hide
Common Tern Marsh Covert Hide
Sedge Warbler Near Marsh Covert Hide
Reed Warbler By Reedbed Screen
Bearded Tits 2 Pairs With Chicks
Buzzard Over Marsh Covert Wood
Spoonbills Marsh Covert Wood (Heronry)
Chiffchaff Marsh Covert Wood
Blackcap Marsh Covert Wood
Great Egret x1 Burton Mere
Avocets With Chicks Main Scrape
Mediterranean Gulls x3 Main Scrape
Little Ringed Plovers x2 Main Scrape
Dunlin x2 Main Scrape
Swallows Field Left Bunker Entrance
Marsh Harrier Over Wet Grassland
Sparrowhawk On Fence By Car Park
Leasowe Lighthouse
3 Spotted Flycatcher,Wheatear and a Marsh Harrier which came in off sea and flew South West
Sandbach Flashes
Wood sandpiper-Pumphouse Flash and Drake Garganey-Elton Hall Flash