Burton RSPB
Great Egrets x7 Burton Marsh From Point
Chiffchaff In Copse To IMF
Cetti's Warbler By IMF Hide
Pintail x1 (M) IMF
Swallows Over IMF
Spoonbills x2 Marsh Covert Wood
Little Ringed Plovers x3 Marsh Covert Hide
Dunlin x8 Marsh Covert Hide
Sedge Warbler By Marsh Covert Hide
Reed Bunting Marsh Covert Hide
Reed Warbler By Reedbed Screen
Avocets Main Scrape
Mediterranean Gulls 7 Pairs Main Scrape
Garganey x2 (M) Main Scrape
Curlew Sandpipers x2 On Wet Grassland
Little Stint On Wet Grassland
Swifts x2 Over Reception Pool
Whitethroat Along Path To Bunker
Cattle Egret x1 Field Left Bunker Entrance
Gadwall x120 Whole Of Reserve
Lesser Whitethroat By Wooden Bridge To IMF
Burton Marsh-Decca Pools
Quail-Calling and 2 Spoonbills
Leasowe Lighthouse
2 Spotted Flycatcher and a Ring Ouzel (fem).
Honey Buzzard-Drifting North over Hale Village
Marbury Country Park
Whooper Swan-1st Summer-Neumann's Flash
The Cloud-North east of Congleton
Wood warbler-Between stile and bend in Gosberry lane