Burton RSPB
Turnstone x1 In Summer Plumage IMF
Chiffchaff In Copse To IMF
Blackcap Along Path To IMF
Great Egrets x2 Burton Marsh From Point
Sand Martins Over Bridge Pool
House Martins Over Bridge Pool
Reed Bunting Marsh Covert Hide
Cetti's Warbler Marsh Covert Wood
Sedge Warbler In Reedbed
Reed Warbler In Reedbed
Treecreeper By Woodland Pool
Whitethroat By Reception Pool
Swallows Over Reception Pool
Little Ringed Plovers x2 Main Scrape
Mediterranean Gulls x9 Main Scrape
Avocets With Chicks Main Scrape
Great Egret By Wet Grassland
Cattle Egrets x3 Field Left Bunker Entrance
Yellow Wagtail From Bunker Left Of Scrape
Goldcrest Gorse Covert Wood
Common Terns x2 Over Bridge Pool
Leasowe Lighthouse
Hooded Crow near groyne at 1115am but flew inland and not relocated-2 Whinchat(males-one in western paddocks and one by Park Lane).
Common Quail-Singing Male and Channel Wagtail
Heswall Fields
70 Whimbrel,Whinchat and 3 Lesser Whitethroats
Dane Bower Quarry
Eurasian Dotterel-Two again at SK0044703 late afternoon;walk north on public footpath from quarry towards Cat and Fiddle
Houghton Green Pond
Little Ringed Plover,20 Swallow,6 House Martin and 10 Swifts
Sandbach Area
Whinchat,2 Wheatear,Common Tern,Little Ringed Plover,Yellow Wagtail and Common Sandpiper
Marbury Country Park Area
Whooper Swan and 75 Black Tailed Godwit