Burton RSPB
Osprey Still On Burton Marsh Seen From Point
Chiffchaff In Copse To IMF
Dunlin x1 IMF
Mediterranean Gull 1st Summer IMF (Photo)
Peregrine Over IMF
Little Ringed Plover IMF
Whitethroat 2 Pairs Along Boardwalk
Cetti's Warbler Along Boardwalk By 2 Gates
Great Crested Grebes x2 Bridge Pool
Little Grebe x1 Bridge Pool
Spoonbill x1 Marsh Covert Hide
Common Tern Marsh Covert Hide
Reed Warblers Marsh Covert Hide
Reed Buntings x2 Marsh Covert Hide
Buzzards x2 Over Marsh Covert Wood
Swifts Over Reception Pool
Jay By Reception
Med-Gulls 1 Adult &2nd Summer Main Scrape
Avocets 50+ Main Scrape
Sparrowhawk High Over Reserve
Cattle Egret Marsh Covert Hide
Great Egret Marsh Covert Hide
Greenshank Bridge Screen
6 Shoveler on tide edge (rare here),Yellow Wagtail and c100 Gannet off-shore