Latest British(MEGAS) and Cheshire and Wirral bird sightings

26 Sept 2019


A discussion started yesterday afternoon on the North wales whats app group that an interesting Yellow wagtail sp had been found at Cemlyn bay on Anglesey.

The bird had been photographed well yesterday afternoon but no one had heard it call.News came out this morning that a birder had a sonogram of its call and the bird was apparently perfect for EASTERN!
I needed this bird for Britain so travel arrangements were soon sorted out and I was on my way with Fred fearn,Malc curtin and Phil woollen.
There had been no sign of the bird for over an hour on arrival and the wind was making things difficult  but a Little owl in a nearby gorse bush put on a good show and a Kingfisher was bombing around.
We then decided to move over to the road on the other side of the hill where we connected with the yellow wagtail sp sat out on a fence post.The bird showed well for a few minutes but was distant and then it flew back down into the field.This bird is yet another which may have slipped by without the aid of the internet,the monochrome plumage,pale bill base,facial pattern and strikingly long hind-claw all pointed to eastern yellow wagtail,but are insufficient to nail the identification fully. 
We waited around for a good hour but the bird was so elusive and due to the bird being in private fields unless it flew right next to the road or over you and it called these views would have to do.Thankfully others did make the crucial voice recording,enabling sonogram confirmation of the identification within a few days of us seeing the bird.

Previous accepted records
2016-St Mary's-Isles Of Scilly
Standing Stones field, St Mary’s, 1CY, 13th–17th October, photo, sound recording (M. Andrews, A. J. Livett et al.).

Lower Bosistow, 1CY, 28th October, sound recording, photo (K. A. Wilson et al. per Cornwall Recorder).

Bruray, Out Skerries, first-winter, 10th to 14th October, sound recording, photo.

Colyton WTW, Colyford, first-winter male, 4th to 19th December, trapped 14th December, sound recording, photo, DNA analysis.

1909-Shetland-Fair isle
No locality, first-winter female, collected, 9th October, now at National Museums of Scotland (NMSZ 1910.132.15).

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