May 31st
Little Stint-By the lighthouse-Hale
Garganey and Western Osprey-Over--Burton RSPB
White Tailed Lapwing-Woolston Eyes
Osprey over heading west,Garganey and a Little Ringed Plover - Burton Mere Wetlands.
BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire
May 30th
2 Spoonbill,Hobby and 3 Marsh Harrier - Parkgate.
Osprey over Wallasey heading towards New Brighton.
Grasshopper in reedbed by Target Road,Lesser Whitethroat singing in fields - Heswall.
BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire
May 29th
Ruddy Shelduck-Burton RSPB
Greenland Waheatear,Lesser Whitethroat and a Willow Warbler - Hilbre.
Hobby over Barnston.
MOLTONI'S WARBLER-Skokholm-Pembrokeshire
May 28th
Spotted Redshank-Burton RSPB
Eurasian Spoonbill-One briefly on No 3 Bed then flew south-Woolston Eyes
Black Necked Grebe-At least 66 (16+ broods) on No 3 Bed-Woolston Eyes
Lesser Whitethroat singing in the fields,3 Whimbrel on the shore off-Heswall Fields NT.
BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire
MOLTONI'S WARBLER-Skokholm-Pembrokeshire
May 27th
BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire
LITTLE SWIFT- Flew south-west over Woodyates Road, Lee-Eltham-London
MOLTONI'S WARBLER-Skokholm-Pembrokeshire
May 26th
Black Necked Grebe-At least 64 (15+ broods) on No 3 Bed-Woolsdton Eyes
Eurasian Spoonbill-Immature still at Boathouse Flash-Parkgate
Red Knot-Pumphouse flash-Sandbach Flashes
Curlew Sandpiper-Near lighthouse-Hale
BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire
LITTLE SWIFT- Flew south-west over Woodyates Road, Lee-Eltham-London
MOLTONI'S WARBLER-Skokholm-Pembrokeshire
May 25th
Curlew Sandpiper and Little Stint-Near lighthouse-Hale
Red Knot-Pumphouse flash-Sandbach Flashes
3 Ruddy Shelduck-Decca Pools
1st summer Little Gull with 105 Black-headed Gull,165 Oystercatcher,37 Grey Plover,135 Ringed Plover,600 Dunlin,2 Bar-tailed Godwit,239 Curlew,4 Whimbrel - Heswall Shore over high tide.
2 Barnacle Geese with Oystercatchers - Leasowe Shore.
Spoonbill and a Hobby - Parkgate.
BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire
MOLTONI'S WARBLER-Skokholm-Pembrokeshire
May 24th
Black Necked Grebe-At least 43 (12+ broods) on No 3 Bed-Woolsdton Eyes
Ruddy Shelduck-on the lake at Port Sunlight River Park-New Ferry
Quail calling near Nets cafe - Burton Marsh.
Spoonbill - Parkgate.
BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire
Ruddy Shelduck-Burton RSPB
Eurasian Spoonbill - Parkgate.
BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire
MOLTONI'S WARBLER-Skokholm-Pembrokeshire
May 22nd
Ruddy Shelduck-Burton RSPB
Curlew Sandpiper,Little stint and 2 Little gulls-1st summer-Hale
16 Kittiwake-On the Mersey and flew west-Pickerings pasture
3 Ruddy Shelduck-Parkgate
Spotted Flycatcher,Whinchat and 3 Wheatear - Leasowe Lighthouse.
Spoonbill,3 Ruddy Shelduck and 3 Pink-footed Geese - Parkgate.
142 Ringed Plover on shore between Hoylake and Hilbre.
Whinchat,4 Rock Pipit (3 juvs),Wheatear and 7 s/pl Turnstone - Hilbre.
BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire
May 21st
Common Quail-Male singing in barley field by junction of Coalpit Lane and Townfield Lane-Mollington
Ruddy Shelduck-Pickerings pasture
30+Black Necked grebe-Woolston Eyes
Spoonbill and 4 Pink-footed Geese - Parkgate.
2 Spoonbill and 4 Ruddy Shelduck - Burton Mere Wetlands.
Osprey circling over the sea - Dove Point, Meols.
'channel' Yellow Wagtail,Whinchat and a Lesser Whitethroat near Kerr's Field - Leasowe Lighthouse.
A late Red-breasted Merganser along with 100 Dunlin and 25 Ringed Plover - Hilbre.
BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire
May 20th
2 Spoonbill and a Ruddy shelduck- Burton Mere Wetlands.
Spotted Flycatcher on fence along Park Lane - Meols.
BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire
May 19th
BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire
May 18th
Western Osprey-Flew north-west along River Weaver below Hall o' th' Hey Farm-Kinsley
Ruddy Shelduck and Eurasian Spoonbill-Burton RSPB
Ruddy Shelduck-On Manchester Ship Canal wall viewed from Pickerings Pasture
BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire
May 17th
Black Necked Grebe-At least 17 (four broods) still on No 3 Bed-Woolston Eyes
Eurasian Spoonbill-Duck decoy-Hale
Curlew Sandpiper with Dunlin by the groyne before high tide - Meols Shore.
Great Egret heading south,5 Yellow Wagtail,3 Wheatear and a Spotted Flycactcher - Leasowe Lighthouse.
Whinchat,Common Redstart,Blackcap,Common Whitethroat,Tree Pipit and a Garden Warbler - Hilbre.
Spotted Flycatcher in trees by car park - Burton Mere Wetlands.
Eurasian Spoonbill - Parkgate.
BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire
Black tern-Acre Nook Sand Quarry
Western Osprey-fishing at Dutton Locks-Frodsham
Garganey-At the Lum-Drake-Frodsham Marshes
4 Whinchat and 6 Wheatear (coastal paddocks and Kerr's Field),also 5+ Spotted flycatcher and 6 Common Tern past - Leasowe Lighthouse.
3+ Spotted Flycatcher,Grasshopper Warbler,Sedge Warbler,4 Common Whitethroat and 4 Willow Warbler though sea-front garden this morning - Hoylake.
Black Tern,Curlew Sandpiper,80 Sanderling and a lot of Dunlin including alpina - Hoylake Shore.
Spoonbill - Parkgate.
BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire
May 15th
Spoonbill - Parkgate.
Spotted Flycatcher in trees by car park - Burton Mere Wetlands.
BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire
May 14th
Red Kite-Kingsley
Spotted sandpiper-Adult still on island on main pool-Doddington Pool
Sanderling-Woolston Eyes
Eurasian Spoonbill-Near duck decoy-Hale
Cuckoo - Red Rocks.
Cuckoo by Net's Cafe - Burton Marsh.
Cuckoo heard plus Lesser Whitethroat and 2 Wheatear - Hoylake Langfields.
Spoonbill - Parkgate.
Spotted Flycatcher in trees by car park - Burton Mere Wetlands.
BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire
May 13th
Western Osprey-Flew south east-Garganey-Weaver bend-Frodsham Marshes
2 Whinchat-Ashtons flash-Northwich
Western Osprey-Flew south east-Winsford
Good numbers of Gannets out to sea at high tide off North Wirral.
Spotted Flycatcher and 4+ Wheatear - Leasowe Lighthouse.
BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire
May 12th
Probable Balearic Shearwater,56 Gannet,3 Guillemot and 120 Kittiwake - Hilbre.
Western Osprey-Flew north-west over Acton Swing Bridge-Acton Bridge
Western Osprey-Flew south-west towards Northwich-Ashtons Flash
BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire
May 11th
Whinchat-Three near Splashing Pool-Frodsham Marshes
Western Osprey-Fishing along River Weaver-Frodsham
Good wader passage including Little Stint,15 Whimrel,7+ Ringed Plover,75+ Dunlin.2 Golden Plover,2 Common Sandpiper and a Sanderling - Burton Mere Wetlands.
Spoonbill - Parkgate.
c40 Wheatear after light shower - Red Rocks.
Brief view of probable fem Pied Flycatcher,2 Whinchat,14 Wheatear and good movement of 70 House Martin - Leasowe Lighthouse.\
May 10th
Spotted Redshank and Ruddy Shelduck-Burton RSPB
Little Stint-Again by lighthouse-Hale
Cuckoo heard - Irby/Pensby.
Spoonbill - Parkgate.
Cuckoo,Whinchat and 3 Wheatear - Red Rocks.
Cuckoo and a Common Redstart - Leasowe Lighthouse.
May 9th
Spotted Redshank and Ruddy Shelduck-Burton RSPB
Small passage of Swifts coming through.
Red Kite flew south over Leasowe Lighthouse then sighted from Hilbre flying over Grange Hill and behind Caldy Hill.
Channel/Blue-headed Yellow Wagtail - Leasowe Lighthouse.
Spoonbill - Parkgate.
May 8th
2 Channel Wagtail and Little Stint-Hale
Spotted Redshank and Garganey-Frodsham Marshes
3 Ruddy Shelduck,Spotted Redshank and Little Gull-Burton RSPB
66 Grey Plover,21 Ringed Plover,40 Knot,2150 Dunlin,45 Whimbrel - Heswall Shore.
Whinchat,12 Greenland Wheatear,3 Goosander and a male Eider - Hilbre.
9 Wheatear - Leasowe Lighthouse.
Hobby over Meols.
Hobby over A540 near - Burton.
2 Whinchat and 2 Wheatear - Burton Marsh.
BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire
May 7th
Garganey-Drake-From gates on Town Lane Hale Village-Hale
2 Whinchat and 6 Wheatear - Hoylake Langfields.
Male Common Redstart, 5 Wheatear in sheep field - Burton Point.
Spotted Redshank,Common Sandpiper and 3 Ruff - Burton Mere Wetlands.
Eider (drake) on rock by clown roundabout - New Brighton.
BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire
May 6th
Wood Sandpiper,Spotted Redshank,Drake Garganey and 12 Bar Tailed godwit-N06 Tank-Frodsham Marshes
Arctic Tern-3 flew along Manchester Ship Canal past No 1 Bed-Woolston eyes
Osprey over,Garganey (drake),2 drake Pochard,18 Wheatear,male Whinchat and 4 Yellow Wagtail - Burton Mere Wetlands.
Cuckoo near Kerr's Field,4 Wheatear and 2 Whinchat by Park Lane - Leasowe Lighthouse.
May 5th
Osprey over just before 4pm,also 6+ Whinchat,Garden Warbler and 2 Grasshopper Warbler - Leasowe Lighthouse.
3 Whinchat - Red Rocks.
25 Wheatear and a Whinchat - Denhall, Burton Marsh.
24 Grey Plover,42 Ringed Plover,350 Dunlin,Common Sandpiper,188 Curlew, 211 Whimbrel (193 off Heswall Fields NT, 18 along near channel Target Rd to Riverbank Rd) another record high - Heswall Shore.
May 4th
Swift,Grasshopper Warbler,4 Whinchat,26 Wheatear and 10 Stonechat - Leasowe Lighthouse.
Cuckoo heard by Typhoo factory - Moreton.
6 Wheatear in field with muck heap - Burton Marsh.
6 Arctic Tern fishing off groyne - Meols.
Eurasian Dotterel-one in ploughed field south of A54/A536 roundabout-Somerford
Eurasian Spoonbill,Drake Garganey and Spotted Redshank-Burton RSPB
Ruddy Shelduck-One flew up Mersey towards bridge-Pickerings pasture
May 3rd
Eurasian Dotterel-one in ploughed field south of A54/A536 roundabout-Somerford
2 Wood Sandpiper,Spotted Redshank,Little Gull-1st-winter briefly over Bridge Pool and Eurasian Spoonbill-Burton RSPB
Garganey (drake)-on flood by Pasture Road, Moreton.
Whinchat-Female in ploughed field on left side of Sandbach Road-Congleton
Ring Ouzel-Male in large tilled field near mast-Mow Cop
Wood Sandpiper-On spit viewable from gate on Lapwing Lane-Acre Nook sand Quarry
Whimbrel and Arctic tern-9 flew through-Woolston Eyes
Whinchat-Ashton's Flash-Northwich
May 2nd
2 Wood Sandpiper and 2 Spotted Redshank- Burton Mere Wetlands.
Garganey (drake)-on flood by Pasture Road, Moreton.
Grasshopper Warbler - Leasowe Lighthouse.
Cuckoo over,Whinchat (male),6 Wheatear,Marsh Harrier,Great Egret,10 House Martin,7 Sand Martin,3 Ruddy Shelduck and a Lesser Whitethroat between Decca Pools and Burton Point.
Bar Tailed godwit and Whimbrel-Sandbach Flashes
Channel wagtail-Whitley Reed
Little Stint-Near lighthouse-Eurasian Spoonbill-Flew over church-Hale
Whinchat-At least three (two males) still in hedge south-west of Birches Remembrance Park and Crematorium-Lostock Green
Arctic Tern-Ashton's Flash-Northwich
Ruddy Shelduck-On Mersey off Spike Island then flew towards new bridge-Widnes
Whimbrel-Mere Farm Quarry-Chelford
Wood Sandpiper-On spit viewable from gate on Lapwing Lane-Acre Nook sand Quarry
May 1st
Spotted Redshank-N06 Tank and Whinchat-Near Marsh farm-Frodsham Marshes
3 Whinchat-three (two males) in hedge south-west of Birches Remembrance Park and Crematorium-Lostock Green
Cuckoo and a Kingfisher which flew over paddocks - Leasowe Lighthouse.
3 Wood Sandpiper and a Eurasian Spoonbill - Burton Mere Wetlands.
2 Little Stint-Near-Hale Lighthouse,2 Channel wagtail and a Whinchat-Hale
Spotted Redshank,6 Ruff,Whinchat,Mediterranean Gull and 2 Swift-Frodsham Marshes
Whinchat-Whitley Reed
BLACK BROWED ALBATROSS-Bempton Cliffs-East Yorkshire