Fatbirder's Top 1000 Birding Websites



I visited Arneside knott and Myers allotment today in Cumbria which are both Butterfly sites that are well known for High Brown Fritillary but after spending the whole afternoon in these area's, I had no sighting of any.A new Butterfly was seen though and in good numbers which was the Northern Brown Argus.

Northern Brown Argus

Other Butterflies of note were Ringlet,Speckled Wood,Large Skipper and Small Boarded Fritillary.

Small Boarded Fritillary

Speckled Wood

Large Skipper


Other Insects of note were Common blue damselfly,Broad billed chaser,Golden ringed dragonfly and Migrant Hawker

Common Blue Damselfly

British dragonflies: what's that yellow striped dragonfly? | Wildlife  Insight
Golden Ringed Dragonfly

Broad-bodied Chaser | CHOG
Broad Bodied Chaser

Migrant hawker | The Wildlife Trusts.   
Migrant Hawker

This is the first time I had visited these sites but wildefinitely be back in the coming weeks.