3 August 2024

Lulworth Skipper-Lulworth-Dorset 03/08/2024

Me and Jenna visited Lulworth in Dorset today to try and see another Butterfly we both needed,the Lulworth skipper. The Lulworth Skipper is one of the smallest of our butterflies and is restricted to the extreme south of Dorset where it can be found in large numbers along a stretch of coast centred on the village of Lulworth, where the species was first discovered in 1832.

We headed straight for the site on arrival and it didnt take long before we found our first 
Lulworth Skipper.

A browish orange butterfly with some black markings on a green plant stem

Has we were walking away from the Lulworth skipper a Corn bunting appeared in the top of a brush and stated to sing.

Its been a few years since I had seen a Corn bunting and this one showed really well.Other Butterflies and Insects of note on site were:

Brown Argus

Common Blue

Jenna found this little monster!
Great green bush cricket

Common Blue


Marbled White

Red Admiral

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