Latest British(MEGAS) and Cheshire and Wirral bird sightings

29 Feb 2016


I visited Gowy meadows this morning with my son Dylan to look for a Glossy ibis which was reported from here yesterday.The bird had been reported from here on the 14th February as well but only showed for 15 minutes before flying off east. 
The reserve is lowland grazing marsh with the river Gowy running through it and is owned by the Cheshire wildlife trust and a link to the site is below:
Gowy Meadows with Stanlow oil refinery in the background
 The River Gowy runs through the meadows
As soon as we arrived I met up with a birder who had been on site since first light but hadn't seen the bird but we continued to look as the site is so vast.On the first pool we walked up to were 4 Teal and 2 Jack snipe were flushed,2 Mallard and 4 Stonechats were seen on the fence line.
A Buzzard flew overhead along with 2 Skylark and a skein of Canada Geese.
Canada Geese
As we continued towards the river a Grey heron flew from the river bank and 2 Mandarin were on the river but flew high over the tip.Mute swans were on the river and and a count of over a 100 Linnets were in the trees at the base of the tip.Hundreds of gulls were around the tip but no white wingers could be picked out or in the surrounding fields.
 Grey Heron
 Over 100 Linnets were around the base of the tip

Gowy Landfill Site

Mute swans
A great mornings birding and a fantastic site that I will visit again but no sign of the target bird but hopefully it will be relocated in the area.

26 Feb 2016


Managed to get three hours birding in on my dinner hour this week at Acre nook and Lapwing pool.The Black necked grebe has been present all week and 5 Mandarin on the far pool at Acre nook were a new bird for me in the area, only scope views were obtained as to distant for the camera.These are a few photos I managed to get this week.
Acre nook quarry with the new workings and Bosley Cloud in the background
Lapwings have totalled up to 500 over my three visits
 A count of 46 Shoveler

 26 Goosanders were on Acre nook



Wigeon have topped over 200 on both quarrys
Tufted Duck
Canada Geese
These 2 Oystercatcher dropped in for a few minutes before flying east
I am starting to compile a life list for the area which I will add to my web page over the coming days.

19 Feb 2016


Spent late morning looking around for the Water pipit at Neston as it had been reported showing well in the fields next to the sewage works.I trudged through the wet fields but there was no sign of it. I carried on walking down to Neston reed bed and saw plenty of different species of birds.

 Redwings were in good numbers in the surrounding fields

 Neston reed bed

 Song Thrush

 Little Egret

 Pink footed geese were flying around on the marsh

 Good numbers of Goldfinch were seen

 There were four Grey Wagtails feeding in the fields
Anyway there was no sign of the Pipit so I moved onto Leasowe to see if anything had dropped in late afternoon.
Leasowe Lighthouse

 Footpath off Lingham Lane which leads to the horse paddocks
I started off walking down Lingham lane and saw good numbers of Blackbirds and Goldfinches in the surrounding fields.A Goldcrest was flitting around the brambles near the bridge.
The horse paddocks at Leasowe
The horse paddocks held good numbers of Curlew and Oystercatcher and at least 40 Goldfinch were feeding in the area.
There are good numbers of Goldfinch on the Wirral this year 
Moving onto the seafront the tide was out but a Little egret was feeding on the shoreline.

Little Egret