Latest British(MEGAS) and Cheshire and Wirral bird sightings

26 Feb 2016


Managed to get three hours birding in on my dinner hour this week at Acre nook and Lapwing pool.The Black necked grebe has been present all week and 5 Mandarin on the far pool at Acre nook were a new bird for me in the area, only scope views were obtained as to distant for the camera.These are a few photos I managed to get this week.
Acre nook quarry with the new workings and Bosley Cloud in the background
Lapwings have totalled up to 500 over my three visits
 A count of 46 Shoveler

 26 Goosanders were on Acre nook



Wigeon have topped over 200 on both quarrys
Tufted Duck
Canada Geese
These 2 Oystercatcher dropped in for a few minutes before flying east
I am starting to compile a life list for the area which I will add to my web page over the coming days.