Latest British(MEGAS) and Cheshire and Wirral bird sightings

17 Feb 2016


Working in Nether Alderley I've started spending my dinner hour birding the local sand quarries which are only a stones throw from where I work. As a kid I used to go birding regular with my Dad around Chelford sand quarries when I was growing up in Holmes Chapel and have seen Long tailed duck and Lesser spotted woodpecker in the recording area over the years.The quarries iv'e started watching again are Acre nook sand quarry where the Caspian tern was found in July 2013 and Lapwing hall pool.There is a link below of the area and the other surrounding quarries in the area.Most of quarries are unaccessible to the public which is frustrating but the number of bird species recorded over the years is in the 190's.Regular birding in the area is based on the common species of wetland,woodland and farmland birds.
Click Link Below 
Map Of Chelford Sand Quarries
The Two Quarries I'm Birding
Lapwing Hall Pool with Shutlingsloe in the Peak distict in the distance
Acre Nook Sand Quarry
Anyway after a brief description of the area I visited today and soon found the long staying Black necked grebe on Lapwing lane pool along with Wigeon,Shoveler,Teal,Goldeneye,Coot,Moorhen, Greylag and Canada Goose.

 Black Necked Grebe

Walking around the pool I also saw Meadow pipit and flushed 6 Snipe.

Meadow Pipit
Walking back to the car I looked in at Acre nook where I connected with Lapwing,Shelduck,Mute swan and a Green woodpecker was calling from the Mosses.
Mute Swan
The field across from Lapwing farm had Fieldfare and Redwings in it before a Sparrowhawk got them all up. Dunnock,Goldcrest,Song thrush,Blackbird,Wren,Blue and Great tits were in the hedgerows.

A good hours birding and it really breaks the day up and i'm lucky really to have it on my doorstep so close to work.