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I visited Moore nature reserve again this morning hoping to get some photos of the Bitterns that have took up winter residence here but of cause today being my only day off this week the weather was crap,not only that the hide at the eastern reed bed must be the most exposed in Cheshire,if only there'd put a roof on it. Anyway after a good hour and half in constant driving rain and wind I gave up.Birds of note were Kingfisher,Pochard,Gadwall,Teal,Wigeon and a Cetti's warbler.
Eastern reed bed hide

 Heronry behind Eastern reed bed
Walking back to the car I connected with a Long tailed tit flock moving through the trees,amongst them were 2 Goldcrest's and a Willow Tit,which was a real bonus.There were also good numbers of Sisken and Redpolls as I walked towards Pumphouse pool.
On arrival at Pumphouse pool I was hoping to jam in on the Glaucous gull which was reported yesterday but again there were plenty of gulls loafing about but they were nearly all Black headed gulls and it was the same on Birchwood pool when I arrived there.I did see a Bullfinch though which has been my bogey bird of the year so far and a Woodcock was seen flying over the tip from Birchwood pool and a single Oystercatcher overhead.

Walking down Lapwing lane towards the feeding station I saw 3 Great spotted woodpeckers,Goldfinch and at least another 20 Sisken's in the trees.
Lapwing Lane

On reaching the feeding station at the bottom of Lapwing lane another Woodcock was flushed and a Sparrowhawk was overhead.There was no sign of any Willow tits again on the feeders but this was probably due to the amount of squirrels knocking about I counted at least ten.
Grey Squirrel
Walking back to the car I received a text that the White fronted goose was still showing on the Wirral behind Decca pools,which is a scarce bird in our county so that would be next stop,after a bit of lunch and hot brew.
If you haven't visited Moore nature reserve there is a map below of the area,its a cracking reserve and well worth putting a few hours birding in.

Anyway on arrival at Decca pools thankfully a birder was already on the White fronted goose, it would have been trying to find a needle in a hay stack,being so distant but it was on the list showing with Pink feet.Other birds seen were Great white egret and three Short eared owls.
Great White Egret

Three Short Eared Owls were on the Marsh
Decca Pools
Lapwings,Wigeon and Dunlin were present on the pools