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Got to Moore nature reserve near Warrington for first light this morning and added some good birds to the year list. I started off at the feeding station where I connected with a Brambling which was a good start but nothing else of note only common woodland species.There was no sign of any Willow tits which was a surprise as they are usually always feeding in this area.
As you can see from the photo the feeding station is under water
 Long Tailed Tits
Great Spotted Woodpecker
I then moved on to Birchwood pool and Pumphouse pool where I had Wigeon,Tufted Duck,Teal,Shoveler and Goldeneye.No white winged gulls were seen but there plenty of other gull species around in good numbers.I then moved onto the eastern reed bed where I had just missed the Bittern showing well and was well gripped off with the photos I was seeing from birders in the hide.Anyway after a good two hour wait in freezing cold wind I had a brief flight view over the reed bed before disappearing into the reeds,Cetti's warbler and a Kingfisher were also good additions.
 Eastern reed bed where two Bitterns have took up residence this winter

This Robin kept me entertained in the hide whilst waiting for the elusive Bittern
Moving on from Moore I headed to an undisclosed site to see a very rare and scarce bird in Cheshire and Wirral the Marsh Tit.The birds have been resident at this site for a number of years.

Marsh Tit
After good views of the above I headed towards Birkenhead to the docks to try and photo the Scaup that my mate Allan collin had found in the week.When I arrived at the east float dock thanks to Allan's spot on directions it was blowing a hooley,there were waves in the dock and then the hail started,it wasen't looking good but I found the Scaup over the other side of the dock sheltering out the wind with Great crested grebes.There was no chance of any photos so Allan has kindly let me use one of his photos of the first winter male.
East float dock-Birkenhead
Scaup 1st Winter male
Finishing off the birding day I called in at New Brighton and got good views of Purple Sandpiper,Redshank and Dunlin on the pontoon.

 Purple Sandpier
The Pontoon at New Brighton with Perch Rock lighthouse in the background