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Spent early afternoon today with local patch watchers Allan conlin and Eddy williams. Walking down Lingham lane we soon connected with several Chiffchaff and Willow warblers and Blackcaps were all in full song.

There were good numbers of Willow Warblers around Leasowe Today
The horse paddocks were very quiet but held Blackbird and Song Thrush.At the end of Lingham lane we entered the farmers field where we saw a Reed warbler and Allan found a Grasshopper Warbler in the corner of the field reeling away.
Walking back towards Park lane we entered the horse paddocks and I found a female Yellow wagtail but the bird flew high as we watched it for a few seconds.There were also good numbers of Wheatear in the fields around Park lane.

14 Wheatear Were Seen In Fields Off Park Lane