Burton RSPB-2 Spotted Redshank were present on the 4th.A Water pipit was seen on the 5th.A Male and Ringtail Hen harrier were present over the reserve on the 7th.On Burton marsh a Short eared owl was seen daily along with a Hen Harrier.A Great White Egret was seen on the 4th and 6th.Hilbre Island-2 Scaup were present on the 2nd until the 5th.A Velvet Scoter was seen on the 4th.A Snow Bunting was seen on the path onto the islands on the 5th.
Parkgate-4 Hen Harriers(1 Male) were present on the 5th.
Neston Marsh-2 Water Pipits were present around the sewage works on the 2nd and a Green Sandpiper.A Great White Egret was seen on the 3rd along with a Ringtail Hen Harrier.
Arrowe Park Lake-30+ Mandarin Duck were present on the 7th.
Heswall Marsh-2 Twite were 150m south of Sheldrakes with a small finch flock on the 6th.
West Kirby Marine Lake-45 Brent Geese were present on the morning of the 7th this is the highest ever number for this site.There were also 3 Goosander and 3 Red-breasted Merganser.
Newchurch Common-The redhead Smew and Red Crested Pochard remained all week.
Chelford-The Black necked grebe was still present throughout the week at Lapwing hall pool.
Sandbach Flashes-2 Great White Egrets were present on the 1st and 2nd.A Yellow Legged Gull was seen on the 2nd and 4th.
Woolston Eyes-A Siberian Chiffchaff was trapped and ringed on the 1st.
Frodsham Marshes-2 Little Stints remained throughout the week and a Great White egret was seen on Frodsham score on the 2nd.
Hale-7 Water Pipits were seen on Carr lane pools on the 3rd,there were only two present by the 4th.Also on the 4th 3 Bean Geese flew over the pools.
Ince Marshes-A Great White Egret was present on the 3rdMoore Nature Reserve-A Bittern was seen in the eastern reed bed on the 2nd,4th and 5th.
Marbury County Park-2 Bitterns were seen at dusk in the Coward reed bed on the 1st.1 bird was present on the 4th and 6th.
Warrington-A juvenile Glaucous gull flew over the junction of the A49 and A574 on the 5th.Richmond Bank-An adult and 3rd-winter Caspian Gull were present on the 3rd.
The Waxwing influx continued with good numbers of birds being seen all over Cheshire and the Wirral at numerous sites.