Latest British(MEGAS) and Cheshire and Wirral bird sightings

10 Jan 2018


I spent this morning birding at Newchurch common and it didn't take long to find my first Brambling's of the year.4 were seen feeding on the alders as I was walking north to the set aside field where over a hundred were seen.Views were terrible as the sun was shining down on them so there could have been more,with 450 birds reported yesterday in the whole area.Moving on to east side of the reserve I soon picked up the long staying Smew of unknown origin that has been present on and off on this site since December 2014.
The stubble fields beyond the east bay had good numbers of Chaffinch in them and at least twenty Brambling were amongst them.They were always distant but I did manage to get a male bird sat out in a tree.

Moving on from here due to time I called in at Cuddington on the way home and connected with two Hawfinches that have present since mid December.The birds were very elusive and only showed for a few seconds at the top of the trees before flying.I did manage to get photos of them but they were crap as you can see due to light and them flying off.