Leasowe Lighthouse
2 Yellow Wagtail in horse paddocks,Sandwich tern,20 Swallow,14 Sand Martin,4 House Martin,2 Common Redstart and a White Wagtail.
Burton RSPB
Avocets 100+ Main Scrape
Mediterranean Gulls x4 Main Scrape
Ruff x2 Main Scrape
Snipe x1 Main Scrape
Little Ringed Plover x2 Main Scrape
Cattle Egrets x2 Field Left Of Bunker Entrance
Mistle Thrush Field Right Of House
Buzzard x2 Over Marsh Covert Wood
Cetti's Warbler Near Reedbed Screen
Spotted Redshank x1 Marsh Covert Hide
Swallow x3 Over Bridge Pool
Chiffchaff Along Path To IMF
Pintail x7 IMF
Great Egrets x4 Burton Marsh From Point
Pink F Geese 4000+ Burton Marsh From Point
(No Sightings Of Long Tailed Duck Today)
Hilbre Island
Short Eared Owl
Western Osprey-Over Liscard
Bidston MossNature Reserve
2 Common Sandpiper
Woolston Eyes
17 Black Necked Grebe-No 3 Bed.
Marbury Country Park
5 Little Ringed Plover and Common Sandpiper-Budworth Mere
4 Green Sandpiper and Cettis Warbler-Haydens Pool
Sandbach Flashes
Little Ringed plover-Railway Flash
Little Ringed plover and Green sandpiper-Pump House Flash
5 Goosander-Elton Hall flash