Hilbre Island
Ring Ouzel,2 male Redstart,Common Whitethroat,2 Blackcap,45 Willow Warbler,3 Chiffchaff,920 Pink-footed Geese over.
Red Rocks
Ring Ouzel in Nursing Home garden and c8 Willow Warbler.
Burton RSPB
Cattle Egrets x3 Field Left Bunker Entrance
White Wagtails x2 From Bunker Left Of Scrape
Yell-Wagtail x1 From Bunker Left Of Scrape
Whitethroat Near Feeders By Barn
Ruff x2 Main Scrape
Avocets 120+ Main Scrape
Mediterranean Gulls x5 Main Scrape
Cetti's Showing Well By Willow Pool
Buzzard x2 Over Marsh Covert Wood
Chiffchaff In Marsh Covert Wood
Spotted Redshank x4 Marsh Covert Hide
Snipe x1 Marsh Covert Hide
Swallow x2 Over Bridge Pool
Reed Bunting Birdcrop Field
Cetti's Showing Well Along Path To IMF
Pintail x6 IMF
Great Egrets x4 Burton Marsh From Point
Spoonbill Flew Over Reserve
Leasowe Lighthouse
Grasshopper warbler,Common Redstart-Park Lane,60+ Sandwich Tern,21 Gannet,2 Red-throated Diver,5 Shoveller,36 Great Crested Grebe,20 Wheatear and a Tree Pipit.
Possible Iberian Chiffchaff on Wirral Way between Old Baths and Boat House Lane-Recording inconclusive.
Burton Marsh
4,000 Pink-footed Geese.
Heswall Shore
635 Pink-footed Geese flew North,17 Wigeon,168 Grey Plover,535 Curlew,7 Whimbrel,6 Bar-tailed Godwit,600 Dunlin,2 Greenshank,1600 Redshank.
Ring Ouzel-In ploughed field below Stapledon wood
Redstart and Whitethroat-In private garden
Marbury Country Park
5 Little Gull-Budworth Mere
4 Avocet-Neumann's Flash
Woolston Eyes24 Black Necked Grebe-N03 Bed and Drake Garganey-On N04 Bed
Sandbach Flashes
Whimbrel-Elton Hall Flash