Red Rocks
3 Ring Ouzel,Grasshopper Warbler,3 Tree Pipit,Whitethroat and a Whimbrel
Hilbre Island
Ring Ouzel,75+ Willow Warbler,Redstart,Grasshopper Warbler,Sedge Warbler,7 Blackcap and 2 Common Sandpiper.
Ness Gardens
Ring Ouzel-Between Ness Gardens and Burton in horse paddock.
Leasowe Lighthouse
12 Tree pipit,Pied Flycatcher,2 Yellow Wagtail,4 White Wagtail,2 Grasshopper Warbler,35 Wheatear,6 Redstart,5+ Ring Ouzel,3 Whinchat and 3 Whimbrel,7 Sandwich Tern,100+ Willow warbler,26 Blackcap,12 Sisken and 4 Redpoll
HeswallCuckoo *first of spring*-Inland of Wirral Way near Dungeon Wood.
Heswall Fields NT
Lesser Whitethroat and 6+ Common Whitethroat in blackthorn.
Heswall Shore
13 Whimbrel-On rising tide.
Burton RSPB
Great Egrets x2 Burton Marsh From Point
Pintail x4 IMF
Garganey (M) IMF
Little Ringed Plovers x2 IMF
Chiffchaff By Railway Bridge
Great Crested Grebes x2 Bridge Pool
Spotted Redshank x5 Marsh Covert Hide
Dunlin x10 Marsh Covert Hide
Sedge Warbler From Reedbed Screen
Reed Bunting By Reedbed Screen
Cetti's Warbler By Willow Pool
Blackcap x2 (M&F) By Willow Pool
Swallow x2 Over Reception Pool Mediterranean Gulls x16 Main Scrape
Avocets 120+ Main Scrape
Ruff x2 (M) Main Scrape
Cattle Egret x1 Field Left Of Bunker Entrance
White Wagtails x3 From Bunker Left Of Scrape
Nuthatch In Car Park
Ring Ouzel-In newly seeded field below Stapledon Wood.
Ring Ouzel-In the field behind Hillyard Farm,visible from a gateway on the left just after leaving the speed limit zone on Raby mere road.
Winsford Flash
Little Gull-Bottom Flash
Pickerings Pasture
Garden Warbler-Singing by hide
Moore Nature Reserve
Female Pied Flycatcher
Marbury Country Park
Garden Warbler-Budworth Mere
4 Whimbrel and 8 Avocet-Neumann's Flash
Grasshopper Warbler-Witton Brook
Bosley-Private Wood2 male Pied Flycatcher and male Redstart.
Tatton MereDrake Mandarin Duck