Heswall Shore
Eider(Male),8 Great Crested Grebe,21 Little Egret,Immature Marsh Harrier,2 Peregrine falcon,220 Grey Plover,34 Whimbrel,91 Curlew and 1700 Dunlin.
Spoonbill,Black Tern,3 Short-eared Owl and a Hen Harrier(Ringtail).
Hilbre Island
68 Red-throated Diver,4 Manx Shearwater,6 Eider,Whinchat,Common Sandpiper and 25 Whimbrel.
Leasowe Lighthouse
20 Wheatear,2 Male Whinchat,Male Redstart,3 Lesser Whitethroat and large morning movement of around 200 mixed hirundines and 3 Swift.
Burton RSPB
Buzzard Burton Marsh From Point
Great Egrets x2 Burton Marsh From Point Skylark Burton Marsh From Point
Linnets By Railway Bridge
Chiffchaff Along Path To IMF
Cetti's Warbler Near Wooden Bridge To IMF
Whitethroat Far End Of Boardwalk
Black Tern Bridge Pool
Great Crested Grebes x2 Bridge Pool
Sedge Warbler Near Bridge Screen
Spotted Redshank x1 Marsh Covert Hide
Greenshank x1 Marsh Covert Hide
Dunlin x4 Marsh Covert Hide
Reed Warbler By Reedbed Screen
Blackcap (F) By Willow Pool
Mediterranean Gulls x4 Main Scrape
Avocets 70+ Main Scrape
Cattle Egrets x3 Field Left Of Bunker Entrance
Barnacle Goose Wet Grassland
Yellow Wagtails x4 From Bunker Left Scrape
Bickerton Hill
Ring Ouzel-Male still in grass field above main Poole Farm car park