Burton RSPB
Wood Sandpiper,2 Cattle egret,Black Tern and a Great white egret.
Heswall Shore
106 Shelduck,29 Little Egret,18 Grey Plover,56 Whimbrel,127 Curlew,700 Dunlin and 25 Redshank.
Hen Harrier-Ringtail still over Carr Lane Pools and Hale Marsh
Houghton Green Flash-Warrington
Serin-Calling male flew low east over M6 and lost to view
Woolston Eyes
Wood sandpiper-N03 Bed and Great White egret-Flew west along the Mersey past No.4 bed
Sandbach Flashes
Whinchat and 2 Wheatear-Maw Green Tip
Marbury Country Park Area
Whimbrel-Neumann's Flash
Common Tern-Budworth Mere