Burton RSPB
Great Egret x1 Right Of Wet Grassland
Mediterranean Gulls Main Scrape
Avocets Main Scrape
Swallows Field Left Of Bunker Entrance
Redshank With 2 Chicks Wet Grassland
Blackcap By Willow Pool
Reed Warbler By Reedbed Screen
Cetti's Warbler Marsh Covert Wood
Sedge Warbler Near Marsh Covert Hide
Spoonbills x3 Marsh Covert Hide
Great Crested Grebes x2 Bridge Pool
Swifts Over Bridge Pool
Whitethroat By Railway Bridge
Chiffchaff By Copse To IMF
Greenshank x1 IMF
Sanderling x1 IMF
Sparrowhawk Over IMF
Little Ringed Plover Marsh Covert Hide
Bearded Tit Reedbed Screen
Dunlin x10 Main Scrape
Marbury Country Park Area
Whooper Swan and 2 Little Ringed Plover