Burton RSPB
House Martins 70+ Burton Point
Swallows 50+ Burton Point
Green Woodpecker Burton Point
Chiffchaff Copse To IMF
Cetti's Warbler By Wooden Bridge To IMF
Sand Martins Over IMF
Whitethroat Birdcrop Field
Great Crested Grebes x2 Bridge Pool
Little Ringed Plovers x2 Marsh Covert Hide
Ringed Plover x1 Marsh Covert Hide
Wood Sandpiper x1 Marsh Covert Hide
Spoonbills x3 Marsh Covert Hide
Sedge Warbler By Marsh Covert Hide
Reed Warbler Reedbed Screen
Nuthatch By Burton Mere
Swifts Over Reception Pool
Avocets Main Scrape
Mediterranean Gulls Main Scrape
Heswall Shore
1 pair Eider,3 Whimbrel and 207 Curlew