Burton RSPB
Great Egret Flew Towards Border Pool
Chiffchaff Along Path To IMF
Linnet By Railway Bridge
Whitethroat Along Boardwalk
G-C Grebes x2 Still On Nest Bridge Pool
Swifts Over Bridge Pool
Buzzard Over Marsh Covert Wood
Cattle Egret Flew Over Marsh Covert Wood
Reed Bunting x2 Marsh Covert Hide
Spoonbills x3 Marsh Covert Hide
Cetti's Warbler In Marsh Covert Wood
Reed Warblers Reedbed Screen
Blackcap By Willow Pool
Avocets 60+ Main Scrape
Mediterranean Gulls Main Scrape
Common Tern Main Scrape
Swallows Field Left Bunker Entrance
Leasowe Lighthouse
Grasshopper Warbler-Reeling
4 Raven-Flying north over
Heswall Shore
270 Curlew,Whimbrel,Greenshank and a Spotted Flycatcher.
Sandbach Flashes
Mandarin Duck-Pair and a Common Sandpiper-Elton Hall Flash.