Burton RSPB
Mistle Thrush Sheep Field Burton Point
Cetti's Warbler Along Path To IMF
Chiffchaff Along Path To IMF
L- Owl Trees Looking Right From Birdcrop Field
Whitethroat Along Boardwalk
Great Crested Grebes x2 Bridge Pool
Spoonbill x1 Marsh Covert Hide Pool
Sedge Warbler By Marsh Covert Hide
Reed Bunting x1 Near Marsh Covert Hide
Reed Warbler By Reedbed Screen
Avocets 55+Main Scrape
Mediterranean Gulls Main Scrape
Swallows Over Field Left Bunker Entrance
Barn Owl Yesterday Burton Marsh From Point
Frodsham Marshes
Long Tailed Duck-On small pool at west end of No 3 Tank