Fatbirder's Top 1000 Birding Websites



5th September 2019
Hilbre Bird Observatory
Hilbre Bird Observatory's count of 101 Arctic Skuas yesterday (4/9) is the highest ever for Cheshire and Wirral. Previous highest being also at Hilbre with 72 in 1987.

Hoylake Shore
12 Leach's Petrel,Juv Sabine's Gull,2 ad Pomarine Skua,2 Fulmar,6 Manx Shearwater and 8 Arctic Skua

New Brighton
Grey Phalarope and 3 Leach's Petrel

Hilbre Island
2 Leach's Petrel,Manx Shearwater,2 Fulmar and 7 Arctic Skua

Leasowe Lighthouse
3 Leach's Petrel,Sabine's Gull (adult) and 6 Leach's Petrel

Neston Marsh
Hen Harrier (ringtail),Merlin (f),Hobby,Juv Black Tern,Great White Egrets and Marsh Harrier

Parkgate-Boathouse Flash
7 Spoonbill

Burton RSPB
Great Egret (Gary)Main Scrape
Little Ringed Plover Main Scrape
Pintail x15 Main Scrape
Pink-F Geese x54 Main Scrape (Photo)
House Martins Over Main Scrape
Green Sandpiper x1 Reception Pool
Barnacle Geese x5 Corn Field Left Of Barn
Greenshank x2 Bridge Pool
Dunlin x3 IMF Seen From Birdcrop Field
Ruff x1 IMF Seen From Birdcrop Field
Linnet By Railway Bridge
Swallows Over Burton Point
Wheatears x3 Burton Point (Photo)
Marsh Harrier x2 Burton Marsh From Point
Great Egrets x4 Burton Marsh From Point
Kingfisher Over Reception Pool

4th September 2019
Burton RSPB
Great Egrets x2 Burton Marsh From Point
Marsh Harrier (F) Burton Marsh From Point
Wheatear (F) Burton Point
House Martins Burton Point
Swallows Burton Point
Blackcap By Railway Bridge
Green Sandpipers x4 Bridge Pool
Water Rail Reedbed Screen
Little Ringed Plover Main Scrape
Dunlin x3 Main Scrape
Pintail x3 (F) Main Scrape
Green Sandpiper x1 Reception Pool
Buzzard Back Of Wet Grassland
Swifts x2 High Over Reserve
Pink-F Geese x4 Main Scrape
Peregrine Over Main Scrape
Sparrowhawk By Barn

32 Leach's Petrel,Sabine's Gull (juv),3 Grey Phalarope,28 Manx Shearwater,2 Pomarine Skua, Long-tailed Skua (juv),9 Great Skua and 101 Arctic Skua.
                                                                            (C)PHIL WOOLLEN
Wallasey Shore
5 Leach's Petrel,Sabine's Gull(juv),Pomarine Skua(ad with spoons) and an Arctic Skua

Hoylake Shore
2 Pomarine Skua,Long-tailed Skua (juv),3 Great Skua,62 Arctic Skua,17 Leach's Petrel,19 Manx  Shearwater and 2-300 Kittiwake

New Brighton
5 Leach's Petrel,9 Arctic Skua,Arctic Tern,Manx Shearwater,Razorbill and 2 Kittiwake

4 Great Skua

Wallasey-Derby Pool
3 Leach's Petrel

4 Leach's petrel,Sabine's Gull (juv)

Hen Harrier-Ringtail

3rd September 2019
Great White Egret

Neston Marsh
Ringtail Hen Harrier

Frodsham Marshes
Garganey(Juv)-N06 Tank

Marbury Country Park
Garganey-Budworth Mere

Caspian Gull(Adult)-Near sailing club

Burton RSPB
Barnacle Geese x5 Main Scrape
Pintail x3 (F) Main Scrape
Snipe Main Scrape
Green Sandpiper x1 Reception Pool
Buzzards x3 Over Reserve
Chiffchaff Along Boardwalk
Blackcap Near Railway Bridge
House Martins Over Burton Point
Swallows Over Burton Point
Great Egrets x3 Burton Marsh From Point
Marsh Harrier (F) Burton Marsh From Point
Kestrel Over Birdcrop Field


Arctic skua 

Hoylake Shore

Leach's Petrel,Caspian Gull (adult),Long-tailed Skua (juv) now confirmed,Pomarine Skua (adult),2 Great Skua,c8 Arctic Skua and a Curlew Sandpiper

Lower Heswall


Leasowe Lighthouse

Kingfisher-At Lingham Bridge

West Kirby

5,300 Black-tailed Godwit,250 Redshank and 28 Turnstone

2nd September 2019

Burton RSPB
Great Egret Burton Marsh From Point 
House Martins Burton Point 
Swallows Burton Point 

Blackcap By Railway Bridge
Snipe x4 IMF From Birdcrop Field
Pintail x3 (F) Bridge Pool
Buzzard Over Marsh Covert Wood
Green Sandpiper x1 Reception Pool
Snipe Main Scrape
Spotted Redshank x1 Main Scrape

Little Ringed Plover x1 Main Scrape
Dunlin x3 Main Scrape
Kestrel Over Wet Grassland
Garganey x1 Main Scrape
Teal x1000 Main Scrape
Kingfisher By Marsh Covert Hide
Tree Pipit On Wall By Birdcrop Field

Denhall Quay

Garganey (drake)

Hoylake Shore

Curlew Sandpiper,5 Arctic Skua,Yellow-legged Gull,7,000+ Herring Gull,50+ Great Black-backed Gull and c6,000 distant Common Scoter


7 Spoonbill and 4 Marsh Harrier

Woolston Eyes
Garganey-N03 Bed

Ringtail Hen Harrier-Over fields near Carr lane fields and Curlew Sandpiper-Near lighthouse

Newchurch Common
Smew-Redhead of unknown origin still at north end of pit

1st September 2019
Burton RSPB
Barnacle Geese x5 Main Scrape 
Snipe Main Scrape 
Buzzard Fence Left Of Wet Grassland 
Kestrel Fence Right Of Wet Grassland
Green Sandpiper x1 Reception Pool
Cetti's Warbler (Heard) Just Reedbed Screen
Greenshank x1 Bridge Pool
Great Egrets x2 Burton Marsh From Point
House Martins Over Burton Point
Swallows Over Burton Point
Cetti's Warbler (Heard) In Copse To IMF
Spotted Redshank x1 IMF
Snipe x20 IMF
Ringed Plovers x11 IMF
Dunlin x15 IMF
Wheatear x2 IMF 

Ruff x2 IMF
Turnstones x7 IMF
Garganey IMF
Yellow Wagtail x2 Bunker Screen 

Meols Shore

Curlew Sandpiper-Below tennis courts

Hilbre Island

Leach's Petrel,3 Great Skua,Pomarine skua (imm),3 Arctic Skua,Shag and 3 Manx Shearwater 

Hoylake Shore

4 Curlew Sandpiper and 2 Great Skua

Leasowe Lighthouse

3 Leach's Petrel and  a Great Skua


Great White Egret and Ruddy Shelduck

Sandbach Flashes

Garganey-Hancock's flood

31st August 2019
Frodsham Marshes
Black Necked Grebe-N06 Tank

Burton RSPB
Great Egrets x3 Burton Marsh From Point 
Green Woodpecker Burton Point 
Kingfisher IMF 
Snipe 30+ IMF
Ruff x2 IMF
Ruddy Shelduck IMF (Photo)
Buzzard x2 Over IMF
Stock Doves x7 IMF
Sand Martins Over IMF
Blackcap In Copse To IMF
Chiffchaff Along Boardwalk
Kingfisher Burton Mere
Green Sandpiper x1 Reception Pool
House Martins Over Reception & Main Scrape
Snipe x4 Main Scrape
Barnacle Geese x5 Main Scrape
Kestrel Over Wet Grassland
Little Ringed Plover x1 Main Scrape

Hoylake Shore
2-3 Curlew Sandpiper plus hundreds of Ringed Plover,Dunlin,Sanderling,5 Manx Shearwater,5 Arctic Skua and 2 Great Skua.

4 Marsh Harrier (in air together),7 Spoonbill,12+ Greenshank and 2,000 Shelduck,

Heswall-Riverbank Road
3000 Shelduck,36 Little Egret,Peregrine falcon,120 Knot,1500 Curlew,4000 Redshank,Common Sandpiper,3600 Black-headed Gull and 2 Mediterranean Gull

Burton Marsh
9 Great Egret on marsh and 2 Green Sandpiper at Cop Hole

New Brighton Marine Lake
200 Turnstone-on the pontoon

Neston Reed Bed
Marsh Harrier and a Hen Harrier (ringtail)

30th August 2019
Burton RSPB
Barnacle Geese x5 Field Left Of Barn 
Snipe Main Scrape 
Kestrel Over Wet Grassland 
Green Sandpiper x1 Reception Pool
Nuthatch Feeder By Willow Pool
Buzzard Marsh Covert Wood
Raven Over Birdcrop Field
Blackcap Copse To IMF
Little Owl Trees Burton Point
Swallows Over Burton Point
House Martins Over Burton Point
Jays x3 Trees In Front Of Burton Point
Marsh Harrier (F) Burton Marsh From Point
Great Egrets x5 Burton Marsh From Point
Snipe x29 IMF
Ruff x2 IMF
Whitethroat x1 On Island IMF
Stonechat x1 On Island IMF
Whinchat x2 On Island IMF
Kingfisher IMF
Peregrine High Over Reserve

Sandbach Flashes
Garganey-Hancock's flood and Yellow Legged gull


Marbury Country Park
Black tern-Juvenile-Budworth mere and 1st winter Yellow legged gull

2 Curlew Sandpiper-From lighthouse and Ringtail Hen Harrier

Woolston Eyes

Leasowe Lighthouse
7 Goosander-On sea

Hoylake Shore
Pomarine Skua, 4 Arctic Skua, 1 Curlew Sandpiper, 1,500 Dunlin, 800 Ringed Plover, 250 Knot, 2 Whimbrel, 6 Grey Plover, 60+ Sandwich Tern and 6 Common Tern

Hilbre Island
Black Guillemot-Off north end briefly this morning-(The Island remains closed until at least tomorrow).

29th August 2019
Burton RSPB
Great Egrets x4 Burton Marsh From Point 
Raven Burton Marsh From Point 
House Martins Burton Point 
Blackcap By Railway Bridge
Lesser B-b Gull IMF
Snipe 35+ IMF
Ruff x2 (M) IMF
Stock Doves x4 IMF
Cetti's Warbler Near Bridge Screen
Buzzard Over Marsh Covert Wood
Great Egret (Gary) Near Reedbed Screen
Cetti's Warbler By Reedbed Screen
Green Woodpecker In Garden
Green Sandpiper x1 Reception Pool
Swallows Over Reception Pool
Snipe x4 Main Scrape
Kestrel x2 Fence Right Wet Grassland
Sparrowhawk Over Wet Grassland
Peregrine Over Wet Grassland
Barnacle Geese x5 Wet Grassland
Little Owls x2 Burton Point From Cycle Path 

Heswall Shore
2650 Shelduck,54 Little Egret,9 Grey Heron,800 Oystercatcher,102 Grey Plover,233 Ringed Plover,45 juv Knot,460 Dunlin,1715 Curlew,min 4800 Redshank and juv Ruff

Hoylake Shore
3 Wheatear,2 White Wagtail,300 Common Scoter,Peregrine,2 Whimbrel,7 Bar-tailed Godwit,800 Ringed Plover,1,500 Dunlin,150 Sanderling and 1,800 Oystercatcher

Burton Marsh
Ringtail Hen Harrier

Leasowe Lighthouse
4 Wheatear (1 in Kerr's field,3 nearby)

Frodsham Marshes
Black Necked Grebe-N06 Tank

Pickerings Pasture
3 Great White Egret-On the River mersey

Woolston Eyes
Garganey-(eclipse drake, adult female and juvenile male)-N03 Bed and Western Osprey-Over

Little Gull-Adult-Over Carr lane pool and Great white egret

28th August 2019
Burton RSPB
Barnacle Geese x5 Main Scrape 
Snipe 50+ Main Scrape 
Lesser B-b Gull Main Scrape 
Curlew x2 (Juvenile) Main Scrape
Kestrel Over Wet Grassland
Green Sandpiper x1 Reception Pool
Little Owl InTrees Burton Point
Raven x5 Burton Marsh From Point
Great B-b Gull Burton Marsh From Point
Merlin Burton Marsh From Point
Great Egrets x3 Burton Marsh From Point
Blackcap x4 By Wooden Bridge To IMF
Dunlin IMF
Snipe x10 IMF
Ruff x2 (M) IMF
Stock Doves x4 IMF
Whitethroat Near Wooden Bridge To IMF

Hoylake Shore
Curlew Sandpiper

Caldy Wildfowl Collection
5,930 Black-tailed Godwit and c30 Knot (all juvs)

Hilbre Island
Black Guillemot-Flew into bay east of Hilbre,landed just off East Hoyle Bank and then lost to view.

Houghton Green Flash
Pied Flycatcher-Elusive in willows on north side of ring two path 

Frodsham Marshes
Garganey-N06 Tank

Woolston Eyes
Great White Egret and Black Necked Grebe-N03 Bed

27th August 2019
Burton RSPB
Raven x4 Burton Marsh From Point 
G B-b Gulls x2 Burton Marsh From Point 
Long-tailed Tits x6 Burton Point 
Cetti's Warbler Copse To IMF
Snipe x18 IMF
Ruff x2 IMF
Dunlin x3 IMF
Chiffchaff Along Path To IMF
Pheasants x16 On Wall Right Of Birdcrop Field
Barnacle Geese x5 Main Scrape
Snipe x4 Main Scrape
Buzzard Fence Post Left Of Main Scrape
Swallows Over Wet Grassland
Green Sandpiper x1 Main Scrape
Little Owl Trees Burton Point

2 Arctic Skua

Leasowe Lighthouse
Juv Hobby-Flew east over Lingham bridge

Burton Point
Wheatear,Yellow Wagtail,2 Juv Stonechat,3 Little Owl,4 Kestrel and 4 Raven

Parkgate-Boathouse Flash
7 Spoonbill

Western Osprey,3 Great White Egret,Ruddy Shelduck and Hen Harrier-Ringtail
Sandbach Flashes