Willow Tit-Moore Nature Reserve
8 Woodcock-Roost-Fodens Flash-Sandbach Flashes
5 Snow Bunting on shore by Derby Pool - Wallasey Shore.
7 Purple Sandpiper on pontoon at high tide - New Brighton Marine Lake.
Guillemot - West Kirby Marine Lake.
2 Short-eared Owl and 2 Hen Harrier (grey males)-Denhall Quay.
Snow Bunting on rocks by Lifeboat Station - Hoylake.
2 Redhead Smew-Lapwing Hall Pool
Eurasian Bittern-Still in Coward Reedbed-Northwich
Western Cattle Egret-One at Rode Pool to right of boathouse-Rode Heath
Ringtail Hen Harrier and Beaded Tit-Burton RSPB
Caspian Gull-1st-winter still at WSR Recycling; view from layby on Ditton Road-Widnes