Fatbirder's Top 1000 Birding Websites



Well this 15 mile radius does get you out!I started early this morning at Gresford flash in Clwyd and connected with this smart Juvenile Red throated diver.Other birds of note were 8 Goosander and a Dipper was seen further down the road at Rossett.

Moving on back into Cheshire I visited Moore nature reserve where 2 Willow Tit were seen at the feeding station.

From here I moved on to Hale and thanks to Dave craven-Hale's finest! for the jen on the Firecrest which didn't take long to relocate in Hale park,this little jem was very vocal and good addition to the list.A Water pipit was seen briefly at Carr lane pools but was very flighty.

Further down the road I visited Pickerings pasture.A Common sandpiper showed well and a Peregrine was sat out on Runcorn bridge.No Gulls of interest were on Halebank which was a disappointment 

On the way home I called in at Runcorn town hall and had 6 Ring necked parakeets coming in to the roost. #LOCALBIGYEAR