Fatbirder's Top 1000 Birding Websites



I spent the last few days in Caithness, Scotland, and saw some wonderful birds during my travels. On my way north, I stopped at Newshot Island in the Clyde and was thrilled to spot an American Wigeon, which I needed for my Scottish life list.

American Wigeon

While staying in Thurso, I observed a good variety of birds.

Thurso Harbour and Beach
Long Tailed Duck
Ringed Plover

Other noteworthy birds included Black Guillemot, Eider, and Red-throated Diver. During my visit to Broubster Leans RSPB in Caithness, a new site for me, I observed good numbers of wintering Whooper Swans and Greenland White-fronted Geese.

 Broubster Leans RSPB
Greenland White Fronted Goose
Whooper Swan

On the way home, I stopped at a few sites where I saw some good birds and added another Scottish lifer to my list.

Kumlien's Gull at Helmsdale-Highland

Loch Fleet-Highland

Green Winged Teal-A new bird for my Scottish life list
Dornoch beach-Highland
Surf Scoter
2 Surf Scoter was seen with a flock of 600 Common Scoter, Slavonian Grebe and a Red Throated Diver

A great few days away birding!