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Today, I spent the day in Northumberland with Owen Parsons. Unfortunately, we were unable to spot the Grey-headed Lapwing, which had been reliably seen over the past few days and appeared to have settled into a consistent pattern. This was Owen's second attempt to see this bird!

                                                                 East Chevington Reserve

During our visit, we noted several interesting birds before moving on: a Barn Owl, two Marsh Harriers, and a Sparrowhawk. Thankfully, across from East Chevington Reserve, the juvenile White-billed Diver was still visible at Druridge Bay Country Park. There was also a female Scaup on site.

Druridge Bay Country Park.

White Billed Diver

Moving on from here, we stopped at Jarrow on the River Tyne and had great views of an adult Ross's Gull. It turned into a bit of a gull fest, and we also spotted a Mediterranean Gull and an Iceland Gull.

My third UK Ross's Gull

Iceland Gull

 Mediterranean Gull
Birders On Site

It was a good day of birding. It's a shame about the Lapwing, but I'm sure Owen will attempt to see it..