Todays Bird News
Booted Eagle-Marazion-Cornwall
American Coot-Loch Of Spiggie-Shetland
Canvasback-Abberton Reservoir-Essex
Cheshire and Wirral
Greenshank by groyne and 25 Brent Geese on the shore off Leasowe Lighthouse.
2 Goldeneye (m&f),2 Goosander,Red-breasted Merganser and a Little Grebe - West Kirby Marine Lake.
Black Redstart (male) seen briefly at Fort Perch before flying into the town - New Brighton.
Hen Harrier (ringtail), 2 Marsh Harrier and a Barn Owl - Parkgate.
Kumlien's Gull-3rd-winter still at WSR Recycling Centre, Ditton Road (WA8 0PA) this afternoon; also 1st-winter Caspian Gull-Widnes
Russian White Fronted Goose-14 still on water from southern viewpoint-Acre Nook Sand Quarry
Penduline Tit-1st-winter still on No 4 Bed-Woolston Eyes-Permit Only